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Qumran links - Qumran
Biliografia - lingua e
scrittura ebraica - Risorse Bibliche
Risorse per lo studio della Bibbia - Bibbia - Versione Greca dei Settanta . Vulgata Versione Latina - Programmi e Testi scaricabili - Storia d'Israele - Storia del mondo ebraico - Israele e Vicino Oriente Antico - Fonts - Varie - Qumran - Flavio Giuseppe . Altre ottime pagine - Testi Ebraici - Altri Testi - Ricerca in rete - Bibliografie - Strumenti utili per l'apprendimento - Antichità classica - Caraismo - Altri argomenti - Judaica - lingue - Ruth - Salmi - carte geografiche - Gesù - Calendari - Palestina - -
Qumranica: - Pagine a cura di Elio Jucci (
Università di Pavia, Italia ).
Bibliografia1 , Bibliografia 2 , Ai links di questa pagina aggiungere quelli della seguente ll Sito Archeologico, le Grotte, I Manoscritti - Site - Caves & MSSArticoli ( di E.J.) sul sito :
Elio Jucci, "Lo status quaestionis dell'archeologia qumranica", in Gian Luigi Prato cur., Scritti qumranici e scritture autorevoli: la gestazione del testo biblico a Qumran (Atti XVI Convegno di studi Veterotestamentari. Ariccia 7-9 Settembre 2009", RSB 23.1 (2011), 177-197 pdf
Elio Jucci, "Il testo biblico e i manoscritti del Mar Morto" (pp.29-48) in Franco Gori, Elio Jucci, Michele Carmine Minutiello, Mauro Perani, "La Bibbia: testo di fede e modello letterario”, a cura di Andrea Bacianini, Giovanni Frulla, Simone Mandolini, Stefano Perini, Padova 2009 pdf
Su messianismo a Qumran e più in generale nel periodo intertestametario: E.Jucci, "L’ambiente di Gesù e le correnti messianiche intratestamentarie." In Il volto di Cristo: Via verità e Vita, 93-129. Gorle: Editrice Velar, 2008 pdf .
I manoscritti ebraici di Qumran: a che punto siamo? >>> A cinquant’anni dalla ricorrenza della scoperta dei manoscritti >>>Qumran e dintorni. Breve rassegna di studi qumranici >>> - "Un Eden glorioso nel deserto" >>> "Nuovi Manoscritti del Mar Morto? Annotazioni sul cosiddetto Rotolo dell'Angelo, ovvero Il Libro delle Visioni di Yeshua ben Padiah" >>>
Sommari: “Il ‘Pesher’. Un Ponte fra il Passato e il Futuro” "Davide a Qumran" >>>
(Hebrew University, Jerusalem ) Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls
and Associated Literature. Presentazione - Bibliografia (in particolare a partire dal 1995) - Mail List e molto altro.
The Temple Scrolla (11Q19) was almost certainly discovered in 1956 in Cave 11, located about two kilometers north of Khirbet Qumran. The manuscript is written...more »sul sito
The Community Rule (Serekh Hayahad, 1QS), formerly called the "Manual of Discipline," is the major section of one of the first seven scrolls discovered...more »
Hoselton: Presentazione - Bibliografia - Discussione - Links (Dalla presentazione dell'autore: "I admit feeling uncomfortable with the general agreement that has been expressed until recently about the origins, authors and provenance of the scrolls. I think it is well past time that the broadest range of ideas be consulted with respect to all matters concerning these scrolls". Hoselton, pur senza dipenderne, è infuenzato dalle - discutibili - prospettive di N. Golb [J.A. Fitzmyer - Scroll Origins: An Exchange on the Qumran Hypothesis] ).
Donald W. Parry, Dana M. Pike,
eds., LDS
on the Dead Sea Scrolls
( Edizione elettronica di un
ampio volume che comprende i seguenti capitoli: Introduction;
1.The Ancient People of Qumran: An Introduction to the Dead Sea Scrolls, Andrew C. Skinner;
2. The Contribution of the Dead Sea Scrolls to Biblical Understanding, Donald W. Parry;
3. Is the Plan of Salvation Attested in the Dead Sea Scrolls?, Dana M. Pike;
4. Praise, Prayer, and Worship at Qumran, David Rolph Seely;
5. Messianic Hopes in the Qumran Writings, Florentino Garcia Martinez;
6. The Book of Mormonand the Dead Sea Scrolls, Stephen D. Ricks;
7. Putting the Pieces Together: DNA and the Dead Sea Scrolls, Scott R. Wood1ward;
8. The FARMS-BYU Dead Sea Scrolls Electronic Database, Donald W. Parry - Steven W. Booras - E. Jan Wilson)
Brigham Young University (Brigham Young University is sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and is part of the Church Educational System)
LDS Perspectives on the Dead Sea Scrolls by Donald W. Parry, and Dana M. Pike
Ancient Scrolls from the Dead Sea by M. Gerald Bradford
The Dead Sea Scrolls: Questions and Responses for Latter-day Saints by Donald W. Parry, and Stephen D. Ricks
("An attempt to provide non-mainstream approach to issues surrounding the Dead Sea Scrolls" - [Pur non concordando con molti punti della sua analisi consiglio il sito per la sua chiarezza]).Melchizedek and the Hasmoneans ("The evidence suggests that the Melchizedek passage in Genesis 14 was added under the rule of the Hasmonean priest kings, a fact that is corroborated in the dss").Antiochus IV and Daniel Daniel 11 and history
la traduzione inglese di due interessanti articoli di Giovanni Garbini:
( The Aramaic inscription from Tel Dan Biblical Aramaic )
e The Ethiopian Book of Enoch An online edition of the Charles translation.
Sadducean Origins of the Dead Sea Sectarians by Sandra S. Williams
Judaic Studies Program University of Central Florida
"In the writing of this paper, many diverse scholarly opinions on the origins of the Dead Sea sect were evaluated. Each gave valuable"Origin and Early History of the Qumran Sect" By Lawrence H. Schiffman
information and was useful in the consideration of other points of view. However, because the scope of this paper is focused on the
Sadducean position held by Dr. Lawrence Schiffman, his sources were relied upon very heavily, in addition to others, as he is the foremost authority on Sadducean authorship of the Dead Sea Scrolls". [Non condivido le conclusioni di Schiffman, ma i suoi studi sono estremamente interessanti].
Directory of a
Dead Sea Scroll
There are no
Secret Scrolls. A Refutation of the Conspiracy Theory Part Two
- The Dead Sea Scrolls and Christianity, Fred P Miller
Qumran -
pagine di Meir
Come ho già segnalato nel mio blog,
sul Blog
dell'ASOR è uscita una serie di interventi dedicati
a Qumran (Qumran Month Comes to a Close Posted on
September 28, 2012 Riepilogo
by jennfitz).
Jodi Magness - Qumran
and the Dead Sea Scrolls dedicato particolarmente agli
aspetti archeologici, con la riaffermazione dell'ipotesi essena.
James H. Charlesworth - The Eternal Planting, the
Eden of Glory dedicato a 1QHa 16.5-17.37 [le coll
16-17 corrispondono alle coll. 8-9 della vecchia numerazione]
- Ad alcuni aspetti di questo lungo testo ho dedicato un
articolo: Un
Eden glorioso nel deserto /
- pdf .
Eyal Regev - Sectarianism
and the Archaeology of Qumran l'esame della struttura
del sito e dei suoi reperti manifesta il carattere settario
e la struttura gerarchica dei suoi abitanti.
Hannah K Harrington - The Dynamics of Holiness in
the Temple Scroll: Exclusion or Expansion?
esamina lo sviluppo dei temi della purità e della
santità nel Rotolo del Tempio e della separazione tra
Israele e gli altro popoli.
- Sul RT mi permetto di ricordare anche un mio intervento Jucci
Ordine sacro e legge nel RT.pdf
Molly Zahn - Get
Fuzzy: The Elusive Rewriters of Scripture, esamina il
concetto di Riscrittura delle Bibbia (Rewritten Bible, Rewritten
Scripture) particolarmente a Qumran, ad es. nel Rotolo del Tempio
Scroll, ed evidenzia un fenomeno di riscrittura collettiva che si
prolunga nel tempo.
- Ho trattato l'argomento in Jucci, "Il testo biblico e i
manoscritti del Mar Morto"
Daniel Machiela - The
Other Dead Sea Scrolls: Considering the Aramaic Texts from
Qumran esamina i testi aramaici di Qumran come un
gruppo con caratteristiche comuni.
C.D. Elledge - An
Old Problem Gets More Interesting: Resurrection in the
Dead Sea Scrolls esamina il tema della resurrezione nei
testi di Qumran. Elledge propone una comprensione dinamica della
presenza dell'idea a Qumran: "One possibility is to view
resurrection as an idea that was emerging in a more dynamic and
gradual process of reception at Qumran. Rather than a
community that either accepted or rejected resurrection in static
terms, the Scrolls actually seem to portray a movement in which
resurrection was beginning to play a role among the diverse range
of hopes that constituted its eschatology. The absence of an
undoubted reference to resurrection within classic Qumran
sectarian ideology may suggest that resurrection was a popular
hope from broader sectors of Judaism, which the Community was
still in the process of gradually assimilating into its ideology
in a rather slow and cautious manner"
- All'argomento ho personalmente dedicato una relazione a Velletri
il 15 Giugno 2012: E.Jucci, "Vita e morte a Qumran.
Sepolture, resurrezione, ascesa al cielo, e vita comunitaria. Tra
il clamore delle tombe, e l'ambiguità dei testi", di
cui è prevista la pubblicazione negli Atti del convegno,
organizzato da Igor Baglioni. [Sulle
rive dell'Acheronte facebook
di Qumran. Alcuni suggerimenti
la ricerca. Prof. Joseph Sievers (
Joseph Sievers, Judaísmo y
Cristianismo del siglo I a través de los Rollos del Mar
Muerto jud_crist_qumran.htm
o in inglese:
J. B.
Lightfoot 1875, Commentary on the
Epistles of St. Paul. Dissertation. ON SOME
con varie possibili etimologie del nome Esseni
"We like to present you with selected information from the areas Judaica, Bible und Qumran. Moreover, in the Download-Area you will find lots of other software pieces, mainly for IBMs OS/2 - but meanwhile also a larger collection for DOS and Windoze. So again, feel welcome to browse through our pages!"
Allison Stewart Time References in the Dead Sea Scrolls [archive] Reuben Wetherbee The Community of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Lisa Bronowitz The Place of Belial and the Sons of Darkness in the Dead Sea Scrolls Jacob D. Jaffe A Close Reading of the Hodayot and a Theory of their Authorship
Vincent Liu A Study of the Identification of Self and of Other in the Rule of the Community (1QS) and in the War Scroll(1QM)
Florentino García Martínez, Les grandes batailles de Qumrân, publié dans Le monde de la Bible, no. 107, nov-déc 1997 Edouard Cothenet, Qumrân - 50 ans après la découverte, publié dans Esprit et Vie, no. 7, 2/4/98
se non si trovano cercare su l sito
Magen Broshi, A Day in the
Life of Hananiah Nothos
in spagnolo) ( deutsch
a cura di Uwe Gleßmer )
"Welcome to my web site, a site dedicated to recent developments in the study of James the brother of Jesus, the Dead Sea scrolls, Christian origins, Jewish studies, Islamic ideologies and archaeology in Israel, Palestine and Jordan".Cfr. Elio Jucci , "Presentazione" in R. Eisenman, M. Wise, Manoscritti Segreti di Qumran. Tradotti e interpretati i Rotoli del Mar Morto finora tenuti segreti. I 50 documenti chiave che fanno discutere l’esegesi biblica mondiale, Casale M. 1994, VII-XIV.
Vedi anche : qumran50.htm#20achepunt.htm#Eisenmann
"To whom should the Dead Sea Scrolls belong, Israel or a future Palestinian state? The Palestinians want them and say international law backs up their claim. But a wider look at the issues argues for keeping them in Israel" - L'evoluzione della configurazione politico-territoriale del territorio di Palestina/Israele ripresenta nella sua attualità il problema della proprietà dei Rotoli di Qumran. Shanks presenta chiaramente i termini della questione, naturalmente non sarà poi necessario condividerne l'interpretazione ...
An Exchange on the Qumran Hypothesis by J.A.
Fitzmyer + Norman Golb replies:
Dal sito
ricco di molti materiali
: immagini
The EIKON Image Database for Biblical Studies is a faculty-library initiative at Yale Divinity School that provides digital resources for teaching and research in the field of Biblical studies. Images in the EIKON database are a subset of the Yale Divinity School Digital Library. Some images in the EIKON database are restricted to Yale use, due to copyright agreements.
Lawrence H. Schiffman, What really are the Dead Sea Scrolls? /
se non si trovano--> cercare sul sito ricco di materiali utili e interessanti
Catalogo dei manoscritti Archive
(in russo). Elenco dei testi tradotti Archive
(in russo) sul sito.
Traduzione russa con
testo a fronte : 4Q5414QSam
a [ 4Q521 Messianic Apocalypse Dead link]
Caves Found at Qumran Report Details Decade-Old
ritrovamenti della comunità essena di Khirbet
sul cristianesimo
Les manuscrits de la Mer
morte, ces textes sacrés si bien gardés -Essai
de clarification- par Jocelyn Rochat -
donnée à Bonnes en janvier 1998 par Christian
The Hebrew of the Dead Sea
Scrolls: A
Selection of Recent Studies John
Elwolde [pdf]
[nel Bollettino TIC
Talk ]
- Modélisation et animation 3D de la citadelle de QUMRÂN [ Archive ]
Intermarriage and Impurity in
Ancient Jewish Sources. Author/s: Christine Hayes JSTOR
Theological Review Issue: Jan, 1999
- dead
Kerry H. Wynn, The Invisibility of Disability at
Qumran, Southeast Missouri State University -
Consultation on Religion and Disability Studies - American Academy
of Religion Annual Meeting Nashville, Tennessee-November 20,
L'Esprit Saint à Qumran E. Puech Liber Annuus XLIX (1999) Pgs. 283-298
S o u r c e s The Chicago Undergraduate Journal of Jewish Studies Spring 1997 Volume III
Sarah Klitenic, The Teacher of Righteousness and the End of Days
Who Was the Teacher of Righteousness in the Dead Sea Scrolls? Research by Kerry A. Shirts, paper presented at the Pacific Northwest Historical Conference April 1992
( in russo ) [Vedi qui un indice facilitato del sito biblical studies ]
Jean-Dominique Barthélemy. 1921-2002
by James A. Sanders [ pdf
] [nel Bollettino TIC Talk ]
(TIC TALK, number 51, 2002
Newsletter of the United Bible Societies Translation Information
si trova anche in
The Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls: A
Selection of Recent Studies John Elwolde
Israeli Supreme Court finds
Dead Sea Scrolls copyrightable August 30, 2000
[ dead ] ma vedi
New Reading of MMT Made But Will Qimron Allow It to See the Light of Day? (continua la polemica sulla discussa sentenza) [Archive]
HOUSTON LAW REVIEW Spring 2001, Volume 38, Number 1, 1-236 Nimmer, Copyright in The Dead Sea Scrolls: Authorship and Originality 1
James L. Oakes, The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Live Copyright Controversy 219
Martha Woodmansee, Response to David Nimmer 231HOUSTON LAW REVIEW Summer 2001, Volume 38, Number 2 431-540
L. Ray Patterson, Nimmer's Copyright in the Dead Sea Scrolls: A Comment 431
Niva Elkin-Koren, Of Scientific Claims and Proprietary Rights: Lessons From the Dead Sea Scrolls Case 445
Neil Wilkof, Copyright, Moral Rights and the Choice of Law: Where Did the Dead Sea Scrolls Court Go Wrong? 463
Richard A. Lanham, Barbie and the Teacher of Righteousness: Two Lessons In the Economics of Attention 499Vedi anche:
This is an unofficial translation of the Dead Sea Scrolls case, decided by the Israeli Supreme Court on August 30, 2000
Qumran-Science by Topic [ New link ]
"The Qumran Science project was established in May 2000 by Jan Gunneweg at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. It was thought to be of some help to understand what--in collaboration with the Ecole Biblique of Jerusalem and several other universities and laboratories in Hungary, England, the USA, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Holland and France--could be done to shed light on some of the most acute archaeological questions and controversies at Qumran that can only be solved by means of techniques developed in the domain of geology, biology, physics and chemistry.
At last, we decided to publish the Qumran-Science data into a volume of archaeometric papers on the archaeology of Qumran"
Take the tour and click on any of the following items hereunder. Some [ molti ;-) ] are still under construction because they wait the publishing of Qumran Volume II" [ VII - 2002 ]Abteilung 4 - Die Funde von Qumran Die Schriftrollen vom Toten Meer [ frame ]
Qumran- & Bibelausstellung Sylt -von-der-Keilschrift-zur-Computerbibel-
Zwei Wanderausstellungen zum Ausleihen für Kirchen, Gemeinden und Museen
Welcome to the website of Rebecca Wheatley:I want to give you an introduction to the Dead Sea Scrolls. If you've always wanted to know more about the Dead Sea Scrolls, look at my site. [ X - 2002 ]
[ Archive ]
Eibert Tigchelaar, Qumran Instituut - Faculteit der Godgeleerdheid en Godsdienstwetenschap - Rijksuniversiteit Groningen De Dode-Zeerollen, Qumran, de Essenen: een inleiding Uitsluitend bedoeld voor deelnemers aan de KZGW-collegeserie [ Archive ]\Les Manuscrits De Qumran Entre Science Et Fantaisie par Luis Heriberto RivasMichaël van der Meer, Hermann Wesselinkcollege Amstelveen / Faculteit der Godgeleerdheid - Universiteit Leiden De Bijbelhandschriften uit Qumran en andere vindplaatsen rond de Dode Zee [ Archive ]
Prof. dr. Florentino García Martínez, Qumran Instituut - Faculteit der Godgeleerdheid en Godsdienstwetenschap - Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Faculteit Godgeleerdheid - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven De Dode Zee Rollen en het Nieuwe Testament [ Archive ]
Eibert Tigchelaar, Qumran Instituut - Faculteit der Godgeleerdhei en Godsdienstwetenschap - Rijksuniversiteit Groningen De Dode-Zeerollen: enige sektarische en niet-sektarische teksten [ Archive ]
QUATORZIEME REUNION " ASTRONOMIE ET SCIENCES HUMAINES " Strasbourg, USHS, vendredi 6 novembre 1992, 10 Hechvan 5753 L'année de 364 jours dans les livres d'Hénoch et des Jubilés Michel Louis LEVY
Jean Duhaime, Rec. Ernest-Marie Laperrousaz (dir.), 1997. Qoumrân et les manuscrits de la mer Morte. Un cinquantenaire Paris, Cerf,
André Lamorte, Les découvertes archéologiques de la mer Morte: Fantaisie ou histoire? (su posizioni conservatrici)
André Paul
Bernard Blandre: rec. André PAUL Les manuscrits de la Mer Morte.La voix des Esséniens retrouvés Paris, Bayard-Centurion, 1997 - 334 pages - 138 FF. Cet article est paru dans Mouvements Religieux, numéro 222, Octobre 1998. Mouvements Religieux est le bulletin mensuel de l'Association d'Etude et d'Information sur les Mouvements Religieux.Die Schriftrollen von Qumran Herzlich Willkommen auf den Seiten für deutschsprachige Qumran-LiteraturJean-Jacques Lavoie, rec. André Paul, 2000, Les manuscrits de la mer Morte, Paris, Bayard, 332 p.
M. Perani, Saggio di antiebraismo teologico e di polemica confessionale antigiudaica. A proposito di due libri recenti di André Paul 1. Il Giudaismo antico e la Bibbia, Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna, Collana di Studi religiosi, traduzione dall’originale francese (Parigi 1987) di G. Cestari e A.M. Cantoni, Bologna 1993. 2. Leçons paradoxales sur les Juifs et les Chrétiens, Desclée, Paris 1992. ( ma, nonostante le critiche la lettura dei lavori di A. Paul può essere decisamenrte utile)
REL 365: The Dead Sea Scrolls An Introduction to the Messianic Paradigms at Qumran by Chris Coles
Tempelrolle vom Toten Meer und das Neue Jerusalem Maier
Der Jahrtausend-Kalender der Minoer Kapitel III Die Sonnen-Laufbahn aus geozentrischer Sicht (con allusione anche al calendario di Qumran)
Astronomisches Meßgerät aus Qumran / „Sonnenuhr" © U. Gleßmer
Religious Studies 225:
THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS Robert Kraft, University of
Pennsylvania, Spring 2002
By Magen Broshi A Day in the Life of Hananiah Nothos: A Story
Qumran Calendar by Vendyl Jones finds
Rev. William G. Most Dead Sea Scrolls: Threat to Christianity?
Dead Sea Scrolls (Spring 1999)
Class Notes, week #1 (12-14 January 1999) by Krista Baker <>
Center for the Study of Early Christianity THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS Read Stephen Pfann's latest articles
Who Was the Teacher of Righteousness in the Dead Sea Scrolls? Research by Kerry A. Shirts paper presented at the Pacific Northwest Historical Conference April 1992
Shirtale Review: Klaus Berger - Qumran und Jesus: Wahrheit
unter Verschluss? Research by Kerry A. Shirts
Melchizedek Priesthood of LDS and Dead Sea
Scrolls Perspectives
The Community of the Dead Sea Scrolls: Devotion and Dissension By Reuben Wetherbee
The Dead Sea Scrolls fifty years on: a double inauguration at Leicester, Geza Vermes and Richard Bonney* This paper was published in World Faiths Encounter , 17 (1997), 4-13. ISSN 0968-7718
DeeDee (Edea)
Baldwin, Horoscopes and Calendar Texts 4Q186,
4Q534, 4Q561 4Q320-30, 4Q319, 4Q317, 4Q318 Horoscopes Archive
DeeDee Baldwin
[ Archive
cfr. anche calendar John P. Pratt - An
astronomer and computer programmer, specializing in ancient
(Calendars, Chronology, Astronomy
(including class notes), Puzzles, Atomic Number Memory Pegs, Chess
games, and more). G. Most Dead Sea Scrolls: Threat to Christianity?
M E R I D I A N M A G A Z I N E (*) Dead Sea Scrolls May Solve Mystery by John C. Lefgren and John P. Pratt
M E R I D I A N M A G A Z I N E Enoch Calendar: Another Witness of the Restoration by John P. Pratt
Uwe Gleßmer Qumran-Seite [VII -2003]
„Qumran und die Theologie - eine Bilanz nach einem halben Jahrhundert“ - Vortrag zur Semestereröffnung am 8.10.2001 von Uwe Gleßmer, Hamburg
Langfassung des Aufsatzes aus ZNT 1,2 (1998) 1-17 mit bibliographischen Details)
Text zum Vortrag am 3.12.99, 20.00 Uhr in der „Kurhessische Gesellschaft für Kunst und Wissenschaft", Kassel
Das jüdische Jahr 5760 und der Beginn des Jahres 2000 n.Chr. - Biblische Traditionen hinter jüdischen und christlichen Zeitrechnungen
Arbeitskreis "Pflanzen der Bibel"RICHARD N. OSTLING, Scriptural differences found in Scrolls [VII -2003] Dead link [ 2003 ] "Shrine Educational Experience" "SEE è un ambiente innovativo, creato dal Politecnico di Milano per il Museo di Israele a Gerusalemme ..." [ Archive - visione parziale ]
Si può accedere liberamente alle seguenti interviste:
Esther Chazon
- The Contents of the Scrolls: imported and sectarian texts, different versions of the biblical books, relationships with the outside (Greeks and early Christians)
- Canon, Writing and Interpretation of the Scripture
- Studying the Dead Sea Scrolls
7Q5: The Earliest NT Papyrus? by Daniel B. Wallace, Ph.D. This essay rtf-zip was originally delivered at the Evangelical Theological Society Southwestern Regional Meeting, held at John Brown University in March, 1994. [ link ] se non compare l'articolo cercare nell'indice del sito
7Q: parcourir les polémiques qui ont entouré l'étude d'un des manuscrits de la Mer Morte : le papyrus 7Q5
"A series of essays prepared by the Professors of SBF- Jerusalem is being offered to all those interested to discover more wealth in the Word of the Bible and its natural habitat - the Holy Land. These essays are mostly in English but we are not excluding other languages".
PONTIFICIUM ATHENAEUM ANTONIANUM - Massimo Pazzini, O.F.M., I Manoscritti di Qumran e il Nuovo Testamento
Jesús Peláez Universidad de Córdoba: EL DEBATE SOBRE LOS PAPIROS NEOTESTAMENTARIOS DE QUMRÁN: 7Q5 Y 7Q4En este artículo se presenta el estado del debate sobre los así llamados "papiros neotestamentarios de la cueva 7 de Qumrán (7Q5 y 7Q4)" y se estudia la viabilidad de la hipótesis planteada por la hipótesis del Prof. José O'Callaghan, exponiendo y comentando las reacciones surgidas a favor o en contra de la misma en los últimos años. Williams, Ph.D., An Introduction to the Dead Sea Scrolls ASOCIACIÓN BÍBLICA ESPAÑOLA [ X -2003 ] --> El Debate ...
El Nuevo Testamento y Qumrán
García Martínez, F., "¿El Nuevo Testamento en Qumrán?", Reseña Bíblica 19 (1998) 59-63. [ X -2003 ]Jesús Peláez publica un artículo sobre esta cuestión, titulado El debate sobre los papiros neotestamentarios de Qumrán: 7Q5 y 7Q4, que se puede descargar en formato Word. [ X -2003 ]
The Library at Qumran: A Librarian's Perspective by Shawn C. Madden archive
Mar Morto, misteri sulle orme di Gesu' Corriere della Sera (Medail Cesare, Moraldi Luigi)
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are copyright (C) by Elio Jucci