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Come leggere i caratteri
ebraici in web - Lingua
e scrittura ebraica FONTS - Testi - Ebraici
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- cartografia - Sessualità - Ebraico
Risorse per lo studio della Bibbia
Ecco alcune pagine ove trovare i fonts e le necessarie istruzioni ... e buona fortuna ...!Come leggere i caratteri ebraici in webPoichè i fonts sono in genere compatibili per la visualizzazione dell'inglese e dell'ebraico ... si può perdere la visualizzazione delle lettere accentate (in italiano o francese , ad es.) in quanto i codici relativi sono utilizzati per la visualizzazione di alcuni caratteri ebraici. Per tornare alla viisualuizzazione corretta si deve nuovamente intervenire sulle opzioni del browser (in Netscape 4.6: Edit/Preferences/Appearance/Fonts selezionando il carattere preferito).Per il momento, in attesa della auspicata evoluzione e unificazione dei sistemi di codificazione, ci sono varie soluzioni: la loro efficacia dipende dal sistema utilizzato nella pagina www che si sta leggendo, dal browser utilizzato - dalla sua versione e dalle opzioni selezionate, dai fonts utilizzati per scrivere la pagina (è qundi necessario installarne vari tipi), da quelli installati ... e da altri fattori accidentali ... ;-)
Con le nuove gerazioni di browser, alcuni problemi sono stati risolti, ma molto resta ancora da fare. Ogni pagina, può presentare caratteristiiche differenti ... e i problemi di incompatibilità non sono ancora stati risolti ... Buona fortuna !
Dal giorno della prima stesura di questa pagina vi sono stati parecchi progressi, ma siamo ancora lontani da una soluzioni dei molti problemi connessi con la visualizzazione e scrittura dei diversi caratteri. Le nuove generazioni di Browsers possono esserci d'aiuto, ma parecchi problemi sono ancora da risolvere.Altri problemi nascono se si vuole utilizzare sul proprio programma di scrittura qualche testo scaricato da una pagina web.Ancora una volta può essere utile disporre delle ultime generazioni di Word. Ma si può provare qualche soluzione alternativa. Alcuni testi che non vengono resi adeguatamente in Word 97 possono essere trattati con maggiore successo con WordPad (che riconosce i fonts R->L). [XI - 2001]Si consiglia l'utilizzazione delle versioni più recenti dei browser o dei programmi di scrittura disponibili come IE 6, Netscape 6, Mozilla, Opera, etc. Per quanto la situazione sia decisamente migliorata ... non tutti i problemi sono ancora risolti, e la compatibilità non è sempre garantita ... Resta comunque la necessità di disporre di molti fonts per visualizzare pagine e documenti di diversa provenienza. [IX - 2002]
to Jonathan
(Jony) Rosenne's Hebrew Page informazioni aggiornate [XI
- 2001]
on The Internet
Hebrew fonts & reading Hebrew on Web. Download
hebfont.exe browsing.html
qui si trovano vari
fonts(qui si trovano alcune istruzioni)
webfont.exenetext.exehebfont2.exeelrofont.exevedi anche elronfon.exe(
) [ I -
2003 ]
siti alternativi :[ I - 2003 ]
Globes presenta un
programmino freeware che installa automaticamente i propri
fonts ebraici
scaricabile ... .: globes32.exe( atarashemot
) /
tempo utilizzati, p. es., nel sito di Ha'aretzhaaretz english
"an independent daily newspaper") [XI -
Hebrew On the Web
and fixed font for the web by Netvision Web Hebrew
Monospace & Web Hebrew AD
Hebrak is a simple free Hebrew text editor which supports
writing vowels.
It is actually only an auxiliary window, which allows to write from right to left, nothing else. We recommend to use Hebrak along with other text editor, for instance, with Word. ... English version of this program. ... It serves for writing in Hebrew. If you want to print or to combine hebrew with another language, copy hebrew text using clipboard to another text editor, for instance, to Word where you need to set the font you use in Hebrak (usually Hebrew).
Hebrejský textový editor (Czech one) [VI - 2002]
" is a freeware keyboard utility that allows fairly sophisticated character entry in most Windows 9x/NT applications ... supports both right-to-left and left-to-right input". "The utility uses technology developed by Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) for rendering of non-Roman scripts".[Known Problems Does not work with Word 2000]. L'autore sta lavorando per "add bi-directional support to a promising new word processor called AbiWord". [V - 2002]Antioch classical languages utility For MS Word 97, 2000 and 2002 Version 1.13a [IX - 2002]
Antioch is a utility which allows you to type classical Greek, Hebrew and Coptic in Word. It includes fully programmable Greek and Hebrew keyboards, a uniquely simple and flexible system for handling diacritics and vowel points, an elegant font with all necessary characters, and converters for documents in many other formats.
Rtlsoft Right to Left
Software Tips on Hebrew
word processing
l'hébreu (J.-M. Jakubowicz - aggiorn.1998)
dell'ebraico. Character Encoding for Internet Messages
Exegese nel sito di Stefan
Lücking Molte utili informazioni (in tedesco)
Biblia ist eine Literaturverwaltung, die speziell zur Erfassung von exegetischer Literatur konzipiert worden ist
BibelprogrammeUnicode für Exegeten (vedi ancheanche) Exegetische Literatur im Internet [ IX - 2002 ]Exegese und Computer Zum praktischen Umgang mit elektronischen Hilfsmitteln für die Arbeit am Neuen Testament Blockseminar im Sommersemester 2000 Claudio Ettl [ IX - 2002 ]
Emanuel Tov, Electronic Resources Relevant to the Textual Criticism of Hebrew Scripture
"Abstract : Numerous electronic resources of interest to text critics are now available, both commercially and free on the Web. This article gives an overview of these resources, then provides a list of currently available tools that the author considers the most valuable". TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism: Volume 7 (2002) [VII -2003]
How to View Hebrew letters on Hebrew/Israeli Web Sites List of place that offer Hebrew Fonts (usually free) Decorative and Word Processing FONTS Font Encoding Font Utilities
and Bible Study Online Tools and Web Sites [XI
MACAM98 - Hebrew
Support Resources (contiene
alcuni links non aggiornati) [XI - 2001]
How to view
Hebrew on the Web (non
aggiornato - dead-links) [XI
- 2001]
FONTS [ XI - 2001] ad altri
siti con fonts (ebraico e decorativo)
(J. West)
/ hebrew
Berlin's Foreign Font Archive Ancient/Modern Hebrew and Yiddish
Typefaces (Updated: 11/02/2001)
fonts con mappe di
sptiberian e
altre (anche
alcuni testi)
A collection of free
fonts RK
Fonts are a collection of TrueType fonts for MS Windows
(Version 3.1 upwards) by R. Kainhofer [XI - 2001]
Greek Fonts and Utilities - Matthew Robinson
multikey 3
Free Keyboard enhancement for Latin with diacritics, Ancient
Greek, Cyrillic, Hebrew, Arabic, etc. Supports Unicode for
Microsoft Word™ and for the Classical Text Editor
by Stefan Hagel [XI - 2001] di dicussione si puà trovare qualcosa di interessante [XI - 2001]
Options for Presentation of Multilingual Text: Use of the Unicode Standard [XI - 2001]
"Here you can find a collection of Hebrew and Greek fonts needed to work with the biblical and other ancient texts. Installation instructions can be found further below" [XI - 2001]
The Greek New Testament Gateway:Fonts [XII - 2001]
babylon lingua Fonts Multi-language Word Processors --
Tastaturbelegung der Fonts von BibleWorks (Bwhebb - Hebräisch / Bwgrkl - Griechisch / BwSymbol – Transkription) Siegfried Kreuzer [ IX - 2002]Keyboard Map of SPAtlantis Keyboard Map of SPAchmim Keyboard Map of SPEdessa Keyboard Map of SPIonic Keyboard Map of SPTiberian [ V - 2003]
Fonts Unicode e altro [ IX - 2002]
Antioch classical languages utility For MS Word 97, 2000 and 2002 Version 1.13a
Sharmahd Computing UniPad - download. SC UniPad is a Unicode™ plain text editor for the Windows NT®, Windows 2000®, Windows 9x®, Windows ME® and Windows XP® operating systems.
Unicode Classical Greek TITUS-ZUBEHÖR FONTPAKET Bibliographie TITUS Instrumenta FONT Vorderer Orient
Unicode Polytonic Greek for the World Wide Web Coron's Sources of Fonts
Les polices hébraïques Spacing difficulties
Janko's Keyboard Generator for Windows 95, 98 and MEUnicode Classical Greek
This page is not a detailed guide to the use of Unicode Classical Greek. It simply contains:
a) Polytonic Unicode texts of the Greek New Testament and Septuagint
b) Two simple utilities for inputting small amounts of polytonic Greek in Unicode
c) A polytonic Greek keyboard for use with SC Unipad
Antioch classical languages utility For MS Word 97, 2000 and 2002 Version 1.13a
Antioch is a utility which allows you to type classical Greek, Hebrew and Coptic in Word. It includes fully programmable Greek and Hebrew keyboards, a uniquely simple and flexible system for handling diacritics and vowel points, an elegant font with all necessary characters, and converters for documents in many other formats.[Stoa Consortium] Unicode Polytonic Greek for the World Wide Web (UPGW3)
Unicode Polytonic Greek for the World Wide Web Version 0.9.1 D R A F TCoron's Sources of Fonts Miscellaneous font links Luc Devroye's links to Arab fonts The box Widget
Nyelvészeti munkákban használható bet?készletek Számos FTP-szerverr?l tölthet le nyelvészeti munkákban jól használható (TrueType) bet?készletet. Ezek egy része különböz? fonetikus írások bet?it, más részük egyes idegen nyelvek nem latin bet?s írásainak karaktereit tartalmazza.
The ISS provides various language fonts. All the fonts on this page are free to members of the University of Leeds, and free for non-profit-making academic use elsewhere. However, there is a charge for their use in commercial work. Non-University of Leeds users are asked to contact Alec McAllister before using the fonts in any publication.
N.B. These are 8-bit fonts, and should only be used for existing documents and applications which absolutely need them. Unless there is an overpowering reason to do otherwise, all new text should be created in Unicode, which is the new international standard
Issues in the Representation of Pointed Hebrew in Unicode Second draft, Peter Kirk, August 2003 Issues-Hebrew-Unicode.html [ VIII - 2003]
2012 - Free Unicode Hebrew Fonts segnala il seguente sito
Helmut Richters private Web-Seiten: Inhaltsverzeichnis Helmut Richter's Private Web Pages: Table Of Contents
signes de lecture de la Torah
Richard L. Goerwitz III (, dissertation: Tiberian Hebrew pausal forms (Chicago Un. 1993)
A new masoretic spell checker A Fast, Practical Method For Checking the Accentual Structure and Integrity Of Tiberian-Pointed Biblical Texts
Altre informazione e risorse : lingua e scrittura ebraica (Non solo web).
Grammatiche consigliate [ IV - 2002 ]
letteratura e sulla lingua ebraica contemporanea [ IV - 2002 ]
Ebraico lingua ebraica - links
Institute of Linguistics (SIL) Summer Institute of Linguistics
Numerose Risorse (Non solo Ebraico)
J.O.I.N. Reviews of Jewish Resources Reviews of Jewish
Resources J.O.I.N.
(Jewish Ozzies' Inter.Net) [ IV
- 2002 ]
Bible Software
FAQ Version 2.0.1 January 1998 (Shawn G. Abigail) [
rimosso :-( ]
Hebrew classics: The Rambam's Mishneh
Torah, the Bible, Targum Onqelos, Mishnah, Tosefta, Yerushalmi,
and Bavli. Hebrew
classics Testo Ebraico in formato html.
ELECTRONIC copy of JPS The Jewish Publication
Society of America BIBLE Cross
references to Hebrew, Aramaic, Living Torah and Modern Hebrew.
Testament in Hebrew traduz. Prof. Frantz Delitsch,
ediz London 1937 formato dbf
New Testament "PLEASE NOTE: Internet Explorer 5.0 or
higher is required for these pages to display correctly".
"Hebrew New Testament translated by Isaac Salkinson and Christian David Ginsburg 1887. Edited to correspond with the Greek Textus Receptus by Rev.Dr. Eric Gabe, 2000 © Copyright of Society for Distributing Hebrew Scriptures - Written permission obtained from The Society for Distributing Hebrew Scriptures, Joseph House, 1Bury Mead Road, Hitchin, Herts. SG5 1RT Hebrew New Testament translated by Isaac Salkinson and Christian David Ginsburg 1887. Edited to correspond with the Greek Textus Receptus by Rev.Dr. Eric Gabe, 2000".THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BRIT CHADASHA (english - Open it in Notepad or Wordpad)
of Practical Bible Education ê"ðú
ìù éùòî
êåðéç ïåëî The
Tanach Page - ê"ðúä ìù
Testo ebraico
vocalizzato fonts da scaricare nella pagina
Targum Onqelos (Torah only)
torah only online
various Talmudic texts, all unpointed
online bavli
online mishnahtosefta
RaMBaM's Mishneh
Torah Targum Onqelos
Tanach with
cantillation marks
Gemara online (with
embedded) only partial.
[ IV - 2002 ]
e testi ebraici
Strumenti utili per l'apprendimento
"il tachistoscopio". Sulla pagina di James J. O'Donnell
alla "cultural history of the late antique Mediterranean world",
ma anche ricca di suggerimenti per "the application of networked
information technology in higher education") ho trovato il link
all'ottima pagina di Claude Pavur della Saint Louis
University dedicata ai Latin
Materials, tra gli strumenti proposti c'è appunto
anche il tachistoscopio,
una "Reading Acceleration Machine" (freware) "Users load a plain
ASCII or ANSI-textfile that consists of lines separated by
carriage returns. They then negotiate this loaded list by
FORWARD and BACK buttons, or through the automatic-review
features". Il suo uso può costituire un utile esercizio
per velocizzare la propria lettura di una lingua straniera.
Online Hebrew Tutorial:
This Tutorial aims to
be a free, complete, condensed and easily obtainable set of language
rapidly learn Hebrew.
This tutorial is available for download,
as part of a free Java application to teach Hebrew:
FoundationStone (olim RosettaStone -
1st July 2001 distribution of FoundationStone 2.0) ...
support materials designed to allow the most
efficient learning of Hebrew. FoundationStone currently includes
over 4000 Hebrew verbs, nouns, adjectives etc; beginning
wordlists; the Alphabet and Hebrew vocalisations; and an
integrated language tutorial with exercises and further
resources. (Si tratta di schede contenenti parole o frasi
ebraiche, che vengono visualizzate dal programma con frequenza
decrescente a man a mano che l'allievo le apprende).
Tutorial 2
(included with the FoundationStone download, but available here
CHORUSis an international "meta-resource" exploring and
supporting the use of new media in the arts and humanities. It
includes a general reviews section and several topical sections
featuring reviews, original research, bibliographies, annotated
links and Shockwave demonstrations.
Computer Assisted Language Learning
(CALL). Bible
Analysis Edited by Harry Hahne: "This
section of Chorus focuses on software used for computer-assisted
biblical research. It contains reviews of sophisticated
Bible-analysis software, and discusses the accurate use of Bible
software." [XII - 2001]
Ricerca in rete - Bibliografie
Search (MLS): a search engine for bibliographic research,
including the biblical articles online database
Jewish National and University Library RAMBIThe Index of
Articles on Jewish Studies (Telnet) (Web)
Accesso ad altre banche di dati:
"BiBIL est l'abréviation de Bibliographie
biblique informatisée de Lausanne. Elle a
été informatisée en 1987. La "Bibliographie
biblique informatisée de Lausanne" (BiBIL)
a pour but de fournir une information rapide et constamment mise
à jour sur le vaste domaine des publications touchant au
monde de la Bible. [...] L'informatisation de la base de
données a débuté en 1987. Seules les
notices introduites depuis cette date (environ 53'000 en avril
2003) sont accessibles par ce serveur".
Cataloghi generici:
Catalogo bibliografico virtuale delle università lombarde
Online Public Access Catalogues of Europe's
National Libraries
Hytelnet - Archive of Telnet Sites
Welcome to the Library of
Congress Page for
gateway access to LC's
catalog and those at many other institutions.
AIB. Il mondo delle biblioteche in rete OPAC
OPAC nel mondo:Repertori
generali di cataloghi (OPAC) di
biblioteche disponibili via Internet
PAVIA SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEO OPAC e altri servizi - OPAC - CATALOGO UNICO DI ATENEO Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle
Biblioteche Italiane e per le Informazioni Bibliografiche - ICCU
Accesso dai PC UNIPV
Mnemotrix ArchaeoSearch DataBase of Ancient Near East and Classical Studies [ IV -2003 ]
Bibliographieren im
Internet Recherche in Bibliotheken, Datenbanken und
Bibliographien [ XII -2003 ]
BTSI is a growing database of
resources related to biblical and theological studies; the
database is updated every week.
Internet Research Sources Robert Harris - Version Date:
November 17, 1997
Utile introduzione ad un uso assennato e una valutazione dei materiali ....
banque de données de l'Année philologique sur
" Diotima serves as an interdisciplinary resource for anyone interested in patterns of gender around the ancient Mediterranean and as a forum for collaboration among instructors who teach courses about women and gender in the ancient world. This site includes course materials, the beginnings of a systematic and searchable bibliography, and links to many on-line resources, including articles, book reviews, databases, and images. Ross Scaife and Suzanne Bonefas launched this project in early 1995; since that time it has been developed mainly by Scaife, but with help and contributions from many quarters".
IKTINOS Institute for Korean Theological Information NetwOrk Service (per visualizzare l'home page è necessario predisporre il browser alla visualizzazione del coreano .... Disattivato :-(
"Argos is the first peer-reviewed, limited area search engine (LASE) on the World-Wide Web. It has been designed to cover the ancient and medieval worlds. Quality is controlled by a system of hyperlinked internet indices which are managed by qualified professionals who serve as the Associate Editors of the project. The same procedures that govern quality also serve to limit the scope of Argos to the ancient world"."Effective February 6th, 2003, Argos has been officially taken offline. Insufficient funding for regular upkeep and maintenance have made this necessary. Argos went on-line to the public on October 3rd, 1996". [ III - 2003 ]
Judaica Libraries and Archives on the Web
GEDENKE (1.0 für Win95/98/NT - 2.11 für DOS)
Umrechnung zwischen Kalendern, Osterrechnung und
Kaluach - Hebrew/civil calendars
Hebrew CalendarCalendari (altre informazioni): calendar.htm
The Hebrew Alphabet
- alephbet.
sefertorah [XI - 2001]
The Hebrew
Alphabet "An Overview of the
various levels of meaning in the name, form, and numerical value
of each of the twenty two letters of the Hebrew alphabet--the
"building blocks of Creation" as referred to in the ancient
mystical work Sefer Yetzirah". The Hebrew
Letters The Mystical Significance of the Hebrew
nella Bibbia (identità di
sesso e di genere - sfondo sociale - culturale - simbolico)
Ronald L. Ecker, And Adam Knew Eve. A Dictionary of Sex in the Bible Electronic Edition
Body, Sex and Gender: "Resistance to the ordination of women rests on deep social and psychological foundations. They form an intricate web weaving the concept of God, attitudes to body and sexuality, the roles ascribed to men and women, contraception in marriage, obligatory celibacy and other aspects of traditional Catholic belief and practice". Women’s Ordination - Catholic Internet Library La questione dell’ordinazione delle donne nella Chiesa Cattolica (Sito curato da John Wijngaards, biblista.Particolarmente interessanti i suoi studi sulla letteratura Dtr). [XI - 2001]
Rev. William G. MostTexts on Ordination of Women [VII - 2003]Androgyny in Christianity Summary in English of Boudewijn Koole, Man en vrouw zijn een: De androgynie in het Christendom, in het bijzonder bij Jacob Boehme (English title: Man and woman are one: Androgyny in Christianity, particularly in the works of Jacob Boehme), Utrecht 1986, with extensive `Summary in English', [with extensive Notes, Bibliographies, as well as Indexes on I. Subjects and names II. Citations of Boehme III. Citations of the Bible IV. Authors]; 341 pp.; = diss. Utrecht 1986
"From the above facts we see that there is still some unclarity even today on the sacrament of Holy Orders. Then it is not strange is some confusion ran in the early centuries". Priestly Ordination "There are two avenues of approach to the question of ordination, one by the texts of the Magisterium, the other by mere human analysis of data in Scripture"
Renata Rabichev, The
concepts of honour and shame as seen in the depiction of the
biblical women,
in Religion & Theology Volume
1996. R
& T:Religion & Theology [ aggiornato VII - 2003 ]
Stephen Palmquist, Touch: Sexual Harassment or Sacred Healing? Touch.html [ IV - 2002 ]
John Barclay Burns, Devotee or Deviate: The "Dog" (keleb) in Ancient Israel as a Symbol of Male Passivity and Perversion [ VII - 2002 ]
Smadar Lavie, Academic Apartheid in Israel and the LillyWhite Feminism of the Upper Middle Class, Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal (2002) (pdf) [ I - 2003 ]
Mark A. Matson "Sexual Sin as a Demonstration of Disunity: 1
Corinthians 5 in Context." Leaven 9
(2001): 116-122 PDF. [ VII - 2003 ]
Barclay Burns, Lot's Wife Looked
Back. The Enduring Attractions of Sodom for Biblical
Commentators, JRS/2002/2002-4. [ I - 2004 ]
Thalia Gur-Klein,
Sexual Hospitality in the Hebrew Bible? [ I - 2004 ]
Elio Jucci, "L’essenismo
e l’ascesi terapeutica”, in Aa. Vv., Antiche Vie
dell’Antichità. Colloquium internazionale sugli aspetti
dell’ascesi nei primi secoli del cristianesimo, Udine 2006,
81-124. (Relazione tenuta ad Aquileia 23-24 Settembre 2005). pdf
sul Gospel of Jesus’s Wife ovvero
Vangelo della moglie di Gesù
si vedano le prime informazioni e discussioni in
Carte geografiche
L'Atlas Biblique (cartes diverses des régions et empires de la Bible)
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The contents of this
site are copyright (C) by Elio Jucci