Elio Jucci : SETH - "Semitica et Theologica"
Indice del Sito Programma - Qumran
- Esseni - Qumran links Qumran Sito Manoscritti - lingua e scrittura ebraica - Risorse Bibliche - salmi links
Testi scelti.
In queste pagine collocherò (un po' per volta)
alcuni dei testi (non tutti)
che saranno discussi nel corso delle lezioni
Inoltre Links a pagine utili in
Può essere utile la lettura dell'articolo di
Uwe F. W. Bauer, "Anti-Jewish Interpretations of Psalm 1 in Luther
and in Modern German Protestantism", The Journal of Hebrew
Scriptures [http://www.jhsonline.org/],
2: Article
2 (1998) ( http://www.arts.ualberta.ca/JHS/Articles/article8.htm
(disponibile anche in formato doc e pdf), del quale cito qui
"This article presents a detailed analysis of the different forms of anti-Jewish interpretations of Psalm 1 by M. Luther and in Modern German Protestantism (as exemplified by W.M.L de Wette, E.W. Hengstenberg, H. Hupfeld, B. Duhm, R. Kittel, H. Gunkel, A. Weiser, and H. -J. Kraus). These commentaries reviewed fall into three models of interpretation. The first model is marked by positive interpretation and Christian appropriation. In this model the Jews are deemed incapable of attaining the theological level of the Psalm, because—and reducing what these interpreters say to its essence—the Jews in their strict adherence to nomism cut themselves off from the Christian truth.
The second model is that of religio-historical degeneration. The distinguishing feature of this model is that the Psalm is seen as the product of a "decayed post-prophetic Judaism." The third model is that of religio-historical progression. In contrast with the Hebrew-Jewish level of religious development, which is characterized as external and superficial, Christian religiousness is seen as more spiritual, more inward, and thus it is considered higher on the religious scale. If one were to look for a common basis of the anti-Jewish statements of these exegetes, a decisive factor, in my opinion, is Christology, more specifically, the Reformation’s justification-Christology with its exclusivist, anti-Jewish configuration".
Albert Pietersma, Professor of
Septuagint and Hellenistic Greek
Draft Commentary on LXX Psalm 1 Sal.
Può essere utile la lettura degli articoli di
Greg Herrick, Th.M.,
"Conceptions of Davidic Hope in Psalms 2, 45,
and 72", in http://www.bible.org/docs/theology/christ/regal4.htm
"Conceptions of Davidic Hope in the Greek
Psalter and Apocrypha" in http://www.bible.org/docs/theology/christ/regal7.htm
Pietersma, Professor of Septuagint and Hellenistic Greek
Draft Commentary on LXX Psalm 2 Ps.
3 Sal
Allan K.
Jenkins, Erasmus' Commentary on Psalm, The Journal of Hebrew
Scriptures ( jhsonline )
, Volume 3: Article
Psalms Targum: An
Translation by Edward M. Cook [ VI - 2001 ]
importanti articoli sui Salmi si troveranno nel sito delle Pubblicazioni
[se nn si trova quanto cercato, può essere utile cercare in Archive
date differenti da quelle qui adottate] di David
A Clines link
(tra l'altro: What
of the Old Testament? Its Text and Language in a Postmodern
Age Appendix
Textual Variants between 2 Samuel 22 and Psalm 18 Appendix
Versional Variations from 2 Sam 22 and Psalm 18 - Vedere
le due liste un po' diverse A
- B
Qumran Psalms Scroll (11QPsa) - Tyler F. Williams:
to the Qumran Psalms Scroll (11QPsa)
Hymns (1QH) - Sue; Colin Thanksgiving
Alter, Robert Alter, From Line To Story in Biblical Verse,
Poetics Today, 4.4, 1983 [in JSTOR
se avete l'accesso]
Luc «Psaume 16: Tu es mon Seigneur, mon bonheur n'est pas
en dehors de toi», BSW
(Donald Richard) Broadribb, An Attempt to Delineate
the Characteristic Structure of Classical (Biblical) Hebrew
Poetry, Unedited Ph.D. thesis
Dept. of Semitic Studies, Uni. Melbourne (Aus), 1964.
Published in 1995 by
Bookleaf Publishing, © 1964 D.Broadribb - Edition
by Books Reborn, Aug. 1999 - (vivamente consigliata
la lettura)
Böhmisch, Kanonische
Schriftauslegung am Beispiel des Psalters, Linz 1997.
Lind,The Editing of the Psalter, TIC
40, 1998, Newsletter of the United Bible
Societies Translation Information Clearinghouse (Utile
Tic Talk has Been Discontinued, but You Can Still Read Past Issues
on This
Site. Some past
issues are available online; for earlier issues contact the
editor, Sarah Lind. -
We hope to present TIC
Talk [earlier] issues here at
this site in the near future [*].
Berges, «Die Knechte im Psalter. Ein Beitrag zu
seiner Kompositionsgeschichte» , Biblica
Vol. 81(2000) 153-178. consigliato
Schroeder, «Psalm 3 und das Traumorakel des von
Feinden bedrängten Beters» , Biblica Vol.
81(2000) 243-251.
Nicklas, «Der Text und die Texte. Berührpunkte von
Textkritik, Textgeschichte und Interpretationsgeschichte am
Beispiel von
Ps 126» , Biblica
81(2000) 252-261.
Booij, «Psalm 127,2b: a Return to Martin Luther» , Biblica
Vol. 81(2000) 262-268.
Weber, «Zur Datierung der Asaph-Psalmen 74 und 79»
, Biblica
Vol. 81(2000) 521-532.
Tucker Jr., «Psalm 95: Text, Context, and Intertext»
, Biblica
Vol. 81(2000) 533-541.
Hamidovic;, «"Les portes de justice" et "la porte de YHWH"
dans le Psaume 118,19-20» , Vol.
Robinson, B. P., «Form and Meaning in Psalm 131», Biblica
79(1998) 180-197.
Booij, Th., «Psalm 119,89-91», Biblica
79(1998) 539-541.
Strugnell and Hanan Eshel, It's
Elementary — Psalms 9 and 10 and the Order of the Alphabet,
Bible Review
Franz Böhmisch
[new boehmisch],
Ein Liebesgedicht eines jüdischen Weisheitslehrers auf seine
Jugendliebe (Sir 51,13-30),
in Biblisches
Forum 1/00 Zeitschrift
Theologie aus biblischer Perspektive / http://www.bibfor.de/
Eric Reymond - A Structural Analysis of Ben Sira 40:11- 44:15 A Dissertation Proposal Presented to The Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
Johan Lust, "A Lexicon
of Symmachus' Special Vocabulary in HisTranslation of the Psalms"
Abstract: Symmachus' version of the Old Testament, one of the three Greek translations Origen used in his Hexapla alongside the Hebrew Bible and the Septuagint, is preserved only in manuscript fragments, most of which are from the Psalms. Lust, author of the recent two-volume A Greek-English Lexicon of the Septuagint, offers a comprehensive lexicon of Symmachus in the Psalms. Each entry displays the word under review in context in Symmachus' translation of the Psalms, along with the reading of the Septuagint for comparison. Other occurrences of the word in Symmachus, Aquila, or Theodotion are listed in the footnotes.
Hebrew Poetry
of the Old Testament PsalmsAlphabetic
Psalms [ X -
2001 ]
-pnfse old
IL SUO AMORE lettura esegetica e spirituale della bibbia
Salmi 126 - 150 Vol. 6. [ 2002 ]
veda anche Libro
dei Proverbi
Dal sito di Paolo Castellina, "Il canto dei salmi nella Chiesa cristiana. Il
culto cristiano moderno "si è dimenticato" di questa
antichissima usanza (per altro stabilita da Dio): cantare i
Salmi biblici. Ristabiliamo il Salterio: l'unico innario
ispirato che Dio ci abbia fornito!" PAROLE E
Psalms in Reading
Old Testament An Introduction to the
Hebrew Bible (1999) by Barry L. Bandstra - 4.
Print Edition
Sul valore del ritmo
nella poesia si può leggere l'interessante saggio di Piero Raffa
The Psalter - The Book of Psalms
Frame Version -
Noframe version -
Biblical Theology in Crisis by Brevard S. Childs, Part 3: Testing a Method, Chapter 9: Psalm
in the Context of the Christian Canon
W. Watts [Home]
, Online
Articles & Reviews
http://www.aarweb.org/syllabus/syllabi/w/watts/1JM9J/OnlinePublications.htm - http://web.archive.org/web/20070608194008/http://web.syr.edu/~jwwatts/OnlinePublications.htm
Enste, »Vertilgen wird sie der Herr, unser Gott!« Über Gewalt in der
Bibel [ Home
Prudký home
- Psalm 90: Alles nur vergebliche Mühe? (Sonntag
Jubilate, 25. April 1999; Universitätsgottesdienst in der
Peterskirche, Heidelberg) (Teil einer Predigtreihe: Arbeit im
Licht des christlichen Glaubens)
Figures of Speech Used in the Bible E.W.
Bullinger London, 1898 - http://archive.org/details/figuresofspeechu00bull
Scipio Gentili’s Psalm Metaphrases (1581
and1584) [ Gentili
SCHROEDER, Psalm 3 und das Traumorakel des von
Feinden bedrängten Beters, Biblica
(2000) 243-251
BOOIJ, «Psalm 133: "Behold, how good and how
pleasant"» , Biblica 83(2002)
S. Risse: "Beiträge zur
Auslegungsgeschichte der Psalmen" http://www.psalmen.de.tf/
Chiasmus? The
These X-Files are seminal studies regarding chiasmus. Chiasmus is concentric parallelism whereby an author shapes his literary work in order to accentuate the main idea or theme he wishes to convey to his readers.
"Isaac Watts was born in Southhampton, England on July 17, 1674. His father had spent quite a lot of time in prison because he would not conform to the mandates of the Church of England. Watts was pastor of a large Congregational church in London but poor health prevented him from devoting very much time to his ministerial duties. When he tried to resign because of his poor health, the congregation insisted that he remain as long as he lived. Watts is credited with having written over 750 hymns, including setting most of the Psalms into English metre, many of them set in multiple metres. Benjamin Franklin first brought Watts psalms and hymns to the United States.Watts died in 1748".
(Traduzione inglese e testo ebraico evidenziano: Symmetry of Psalms, Verses linked by level of indentation.
Daily Psalms and Canticles Lagos: Dominican Publications. New translation based on text established by M. Dahood. Revision ready for publication
Daily Psalms and Canticles in original languages però manca l'introduzione (presente qui [Archive]
The Psalms In Hausa - Hausa Bible In Unicode Complete, in common Catholic arrangement Translations of Deuterocanonical sections and new version of Psalms and Canticles by Musa Ɗanjuma and Joseph Kenny, O.P. HausaBible
Commentary on the Psalms spuriously ascribed to St. Albert the Great of the Order of Preachers - PsalmsAlbert [Dal sito di Joseph Kenny, O.P. dove troverete anche i Sami in Hausa ]
THE PSALMS. a special edition of a special book by Joseph Kenny, O.P. PsalmsKenny
Rhetorica Biblica Sito di Roland Meynet, Teologia biblica, Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Roma (Italia)
Studia Rhetorica "Studia Rhetorica intende offrire agli studiosi la possibilità di pubblicare sia studi di testi condotti secondo le procedure dell’analisi retorica, sia ricerche sulle leggi della retorica biblica e semitica. Per gli autori, il vantaggio di questo tipo di pubblicazione è che i loro studi possono essere aggiornati in ogni momento. Per il lettore, il vantaggio consiste nel fatto che possono salvare i documenti su disco. Per gli studi già stampati, il Copyright appartiene ovviamente all’editore; per gli altri, appartiene a Studia Rhetorica". (Utili contributi non solo sui Salmi)PS130.pdf Rev. Walter L. Michel, Ph.D., PSALM 130:1-8 A BRIEF MEDITATION WITH A TRANSLATION AND NOTES AND COMMENTS [ 2003 ]Testi fondatori tra l'altro:Giorgio Paximadi, Strutture retoriche in tre salmi (Sal 24; 3; 122) E punti di partenza per un cammino interpretativo Studia_Rhetorica - 12.pdf
Thomas Boys, Tactica Sacra. An attempt to develope, and to exhibit to the eye by tabular arrangements, a general rule of composition prevailing in the Holy Scriptures, T. Hamilton, London 1824. TacticaSacra.pdf
Thomas Boys, A Key to the Book of the Psalms, L.B. Seeley & Sons, London 1825. (Google pdf & epub)
Robert LOWTH, Leçons sur la poésie sacrée des Hébreux traduites pour la première fois en français du latin du Dr Lowth (trad. M. Sicard; 2 vol.; Lyon, 1812): "Dix-neuvième leçon" (sur le parallélisme des membres). Lowth_19 leçon.pdf
cfr. varie opere in http://archive.org/search creator Lowth Robert
The Bible as Literature http://web.archive.org/web/20060306231206/http://alpha.fdu.edu/~jbecker/bible/biblebibliography.htm biblebibliography.htm
John Milton "Psalms" http://www.infomotions.com/etexts/literature/english/1600-1699/milton-psalms-533.txt
Consiglio anche vivamente la lettura dei seguenti articoli ...
The MAT (MACHINE ASSISTED TRANSLATION (MAT), part of Bible Society's research and development work. Team have created a document called:
"A History of Versification Systems between differing Biblical Traditions." [ Archive ]
"This paper explores the differing versification structures present in the principal textual traditions. It looks at the history of how these traditions arose. The paper attempts to highlight any potential problems in trying to reconcile those versification systems and suggests ways by which a reconciliation may be approached. It does not attempt to list all the variants between texts but seeks to identify some of the key issues which any attempt at reconciling the texts must address""Verse Alignment in the Pentateuch between the Septuagint and Masoretic Texts". [ Archive ]
"This list is limited to references where the text differs radically between the two books. The data given may well be incomplete. As further information becomes available it will be posted by the MAT Team"."The Masoretes and the Punctuation of Biblical Hebrew." [ Archive ]
"This paper addresses the historical background of Masoretes and the historical background which gave rise to the distinctly Hebrew system of punctuation, and provides a brief account of the most common elements of the system".
cantillazione"Masoretic Hebrew Cantillation and Constituent Structure Analysis." [ Archive ]
"This paper is written as background information to accompany a paper on "The Masoretes and the Punctuation of Biblical Hebrew". In that paper the authors have described the Masoretic cantillation in terms of constituent structure trees. Here we provide a simple explanation of such trees and attempt to demonstrate the mathematical validity of classifying the cantillation system as a form of constituent structure analysis. Finally, rules are constructed from that analysis to control valid subdivision of verses in the Masoretic text".
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are copyright (C) by Elio Jucci