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- Qumran Sito,Grotte,Manoscritti - lingua
e scrittura ebraica
Qualche link riguardante le Lingue Semitiche e le "Lingue Bibliche"
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Un serie di pagine ricche di informazioni :
Corpora and Corpus-based Computational Linguistics
Sheldon (Shelly) Harrison BA MA (Toronto) PhD (Hawaii), Department of Linguistics University of Western AustraliaShelly Harrison's Home Page Introduction to Semitic Languages ( con notevoli risorse in linea) [ IX - 2002 ]Robert R. Ratcliffe Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Analogy in Semitic Non-concatenative MorphologyRobert R. Ratcliffe Tokyo Gaikokugo Daigaku,
Defining Morphological Isoglosses: The Broken Plural and Semitic Sub-classification (1)Language Use in the First Century by Randall Buth TIC TALK 25, 1993 [ X - 2001 ]
Newsletter of the United Bible Societies Translation Information Clearinghouse [ X - 2001 ]
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg Seminar für Sprachen und Kulturen des Vorderen Orients
Semitistik: SemArch - Semitisches Tonarchiv english" ... auf den Seiten des Tondokumente-Archivs (SemArch) der Semitistik an der Universität Heidelberg.SemArch ist ein von der DFG gefördertes Projekt zur digitalen Archivierung von Tonaufnahmen semitischer Sprachen und Dialekte und deren Publizierung im Internet .... Sie können sich die Tondokumente auf diesen Seiten anhören ..." [ IV - 2002 ] Data base with recordings of semitic speakers
"Ich bereite jetzt einige hebräische und aramäische Bücher vor..."Sebastian Münster in Heidelberg (1524-7) und die Begründung der Semitistik, Von Prof. Dr. Hartmut Bobzin, Erlangen (Gastvortrag in Heidelberg 1996) [ IV - 2002 ]Musa Alloush liest Texte aus Schmidt/Kahle/Dschirius Eine Geschichte aus Tall iz-Zactar [ IV - 2002 ] Website maintained by Dr. William D. Ramey, editor [ VIII - 2002 ]
Babylon Lingua is devoted to the study of many ancient languages that relate to biblical studies. In addition to the many fonts available within Babylon Lingua's domain, useful information is also available about how to install fonts and where to find multi-lingual and "stand-alone" word processors. [ VIII - 2002 ]
WORKSHOP ANNOUNCEMENT- Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages - A workshop affiliated with ACL-2002
University of Pennsylvania, Thursday 11 July, 2002 Con il testo (pdf) di sunti o intere relazioni. [ X - 2002 ]
Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages COLING-ACL98 Sunday August 16, 1998, University of Montreal
SemiticArchive: Linguistics Research Papers This site is hosted by the Department of Linguistics at the University of Southern California. [ X - 2002 ]
Shlomo Izre'el izreel.html
(1987), Some Methodological Requisites for the Study of the Amarna Jargon. Notes on the Essence of That Language [ X - 2003 ]
>>> The Amarna Tablets [ X - 2003 ]Ariel Vol. 104 / Jerusalén 1997 [ X - 2003 ]
"Contemporary Hebrew – like any other modern language – is still in a constant state of evolution and change. ... Much of this issue of Ariel is devoted to a glimpse into the state of Hebrew today" >>> .inglese
spagnolo Fellman, Eliezer Ben-Yehuda:A Language Reborn english spagnolo [ X - 2003 ]
Norman Berdichevsky, The Mother of Languages. The Influence of Hebrew on other Languages
The origin of Classical Greek culture: Hunter-gatherers of the alphabet [ X - 2003 ]
Mirror script [ X - 2003 ]Museums and Alphabets
§6 Sabaean Inscriptions §7 Nabatean Inscriptions §8 Thamudic Inscriptions §9 Why is this Nabatean?
§10 Hebrew Inscriptions Old Israelite §11 Sumerian Inscriptions §12 Greek Inscriptions §13 Palmyric Inscriptions
§14 Appendix: Old Sumerian signs [ X - 2003 ]
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