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Aggirnamento di tutti i links di questa pagina IV- 2004   (novità e indice)   Amplia libreria in linea. Anche molto materiale biblico,    Vedi per es.: (testo greco)   Ma vedi anche Leo Oppenheim, 'Ancient Mesopotamia'  (testo russo).  I menu sono in russo, ma sono presenti anche articoli in inglese cfr   articoli relativi all'ATarticoli relativi al NT

Testi inglesi    OTHisIsr.html - OTArcIsr.html - OTPax.html - OTBooks.html - OTText.html - OTTeol.html - OTOther.html

Testi inglesi
  NTHisJes.html - NTPax.html - NTTeol.html - NTSoc.html - NTText.html - NTProbl.html - NTBooks.html - NTOther.html

Testi russi      EarChr.html - EarMid.html  - LatMid.html - Reform.html - AfReform.html

Testi russi    - books.html - journals.html - epigraph.html     Qumran  kumran.html - Flavius.html  - gnosys.html - otapok.html
    ntapok.html - apostol.html - father2.html - father3.html - father4.html - father58.html - father914.html

mappe - LinksOT.html - LinksNT.html-  LinksHC.html - LinksLit.html

per chi non supporta dhtml    index_old.html    novità precedenti archive.html

Ricordo anche le Bibliografie di Iktinos
Westminster Ph.D. Reading List -OT
Dropsie Bibliogtaphy                        


Novità  Marzo 2004

E'  recente la crezione di un Nuovo sito  -ma già ricco di materiale KataPi
    [bible resource pages - old & new testament, apocrypha - ot, nt, apoc.  biblical archaeology, chronology, history, manuscripts, maps. creeds, liturgy, music, theology]

    This website makes available a number of notable works of reference which are no longer in print.

Dalla lista del materiale
13 centuries of English Church Music (Multimedia) by W H Parry.    First published Hinrichsen Edition Ltd 1946.
An Introduction to the Creeds by A E Burn.     First published Methuen 1899.
Bible & Spade (Illustrated) by S L Caiger.    First published Oxford University Press 1936.
Creed or Commonsense by Charles Jeffries. First published Faber & Faber Ltd 1943.
Introduction to the Books of the Old Testament by Oesterley & Robinson. First published SPCK 1934.
Introduction to the Books of the Apocrypha by W O E Oesterley.     First published SPCK 1935.
Introduction to the New Testament by A H McNeile.    First published Oxford University Press 1927.
Handbook to the Christian Liturgy (Multimedia) by J Norman.    First published SPCK 1944.
Our Bible & the Ancient Manuscripts (Illustrated) by Sir Frederick Kenyon. First published by Eyre & Spottiswoode 1895.
The Christian Faith (Illustrated, Multimedia) by C B Moss. First published by SPCK 1943. (In prep. Coming online as soon as...)
The Elements of Moral Theology by R C Mortimer.    First Published by A & C Black 1947.
The Hidden Romance of the New Testament by L A Robertson. First published J Clarke & Co (undated).
The Lord's Prayer. katapi Anthology.
The Riddle of the New Testament by Sir Edwyn Hoskyns & Noel Davey. First published Faber & Faber 1931.
Theology & Sanity by F J Sheed. First published Sheed & Ward 1947. (In prep. Coming on line as soon as...)
katapi in prep...
'Illustrations from Biblical Archaeology' by D J Wiseman     first published by the Tyndale Press 1958 (subject to copyright permission)
'The Christian Faith' by C B Moss    first published by SPCK 1943.
'Theology & Sanity by F J Sheed.' First published Sheed & Ward 1947.