Indice del Sito HomeProgrammaQumran - 1 Qumran - 2 Qumran Sito,Grotte,Manoscritti lingua e scrittura ebraica
Gregorian: Wednesday, November 17, 1999 (day 321, 44 remaining)
Hebrew: Kislev 8, 5760
Islamic: Sha'ban 8, 1420
Julian: November 4, 1999
Born today ...
In 3 BC, Jesus Christ (according to Clement of Alexandria).
In www si possono trovare ottime pagine dedicate alla figura di Gesù (nota bibliografica , e ulteriori links).
Qui mi limiterò a dare qualche indicazione essenziale ...
Mark Goodacre, University of Birmingham,
JesusThe New Testament Gateway All-in-One Bible Resources SearchALan Humm, Graduate Student in Religious Studies at the Univ. of Pennsylvania, Ancient Jewish Views of Jesus
From Jesus to Christ. The First Christians.
"This FRONTLINE series is an intellectual and visual guide to the new and controversial historical evidence which challenges familiar assumptions about the life of Jesus and the epic rise of Christianity". "A new addition to this site is the edited transcript of a two-day symposium at Harvard University. This symposium was a follow-up to the FRONTLINE broadcast and featured scholars' presentations, workshops and audience discussion".
Oltre alle pagine citate può essere utile la lettura di alcuni testi classici disponibili in rete
Albert Schweitzer, The Quest of the Historical Jesus. A Critical Study of its Progress from Reimarus to Wrede,
Translated by W. Montgomery (First English Edition, 1910).
Ernest Renan, Life of Jesus,
Rudolf Bultmann, Jesus and the Word, (Translators: Louise Pettibone Smith Erminie Huntress Lantero).
si trova nel sito (consultabile in linea, capitolo per capitolo - un po' più complesso il salvataggio dell'opera nella sua interezza).Dalla presentazione:"Rudolf Bultmann was an outstanding scholar in the field of New Testament study. He was born in Germany in 1884 and studied at Tubingen, Berlin and Marburg. During the Nazi domination, he took an active part in the strong opposition which the churches built up. After the war he spent much time lecturing in Europe and the United States. This book was published by Charles Scribner's Sons, New York in 1934 and 1958. It was first published in Germany in 1926. This material was prepared for Religion Online by Ted & Winnie Brock.Rudolf Bultmann, Kerygma and Myth by Rudolph Bultmann and Five Critics
An historical presentation of the teachings of Jesus in the setting of the thought of his own time. There is here a summary of Bultmann's controversial method of Biblical interpretation, which tries to recover the deeper meaning behind the mythological concepts of the New Testament".
si trova nel sito (consultabile in linea).Dalla presentazione:
"Bultmann’s famous essay, "New Testament and Mythology," is contained here in which the whole controversy over Demythologizing is brought out in miniature. Five critics give there rejoinders along with Bultmann’s response"."Rudolf Bultmann is one of the great scholars in the field of New Testament study. He was born in Germany in 1884, studied at Tubingen, Berlin and Marburg. During the time of the Nazi domination, he took active part in the strong opposition which the churches built up. After World War II he spent much time lecturing in the United States. The critics are Ernst Lohmeyer, Julius Schniewind, Helmut Thielicke, and Austin Farrer. This book, with the exception of the Austin Farrer article, was first published in German by Herbert Reich of Hamburg-Volksdorf, Germany; the English edition, including the Austin Farrer article, was first published in 1953 by S.P.C.K., London, and is here reprinted by arrangement. The English translation has been revised for the Torchbook edition. This material was prepared for Religion Online by Ted and Winnie Brock".
Michel Clasquin, Demythologisation in axial age India - The Singalovada Suttanta [VII -2003]"Although the term "demythologisation" is usually associated with the name of Rudolf Bultmann, it is here argued that very similar processes were occurring in the fifth century BCE in places such as Greece and India. One good example of this process is the Buddhist text known as the Singalovada Suttanta. In this text, a physical ritual of worship offered to specific gods believed to reside in the "six quarters" (east, south, west, north, below and above) is radically redefined and given a new, ethical interpretation, in which the acts of worship are reinterpreted as referring to ethical treatment of specific types of person. The process can, however, be seen to be at least partially self-defeating, because once the story had become part of a sacred literary corpus, it became "mythologised" itself and is now itself in need of demythologisation" Myth & Symbol Vol 2 1995
Si veda inoltre il classico Bauer's Orthodoxy and Heresy
Second German Edition ed and supplemented by Georg Strecker Tübingen, 1964
English Translation ed and supplemented by Robert A. Kraft and Gerhard Kroedel with a team from the
Philadelphia Seminar on Christian Origins Philadelphia, 1971.E inoltre
Alfred Firmin Loisy, The Birth of the Christian Religion (From the French La Naissance du Christianisme, 1933).
Loisy, The Origins of the New Testament (From the French Les Origines du Nouveau Testament, 1936 - Translated by L. P. Jacks).
(per una lettura antropologica della crisi modernista - nella quale si inserisce anche Loisy - cfr. David G. Schultenover, An Anthropological View of the Modernist Crisis, Journal of Religion & Society [ VIII - 2002 ]
Altre pagine
Historical Jesus Theories [ V - 2002 ]
"The purpose of this web page is to explain and explore some of the theories offered up by contemporary scholars on the historical Jesus and the origins of the Christian religion. Issues include the nature of the historical Jesus, the nature of the early Christian documents, and the origins of the Christian faith in a risen Jesus Christ. An attempt has been made to include historical Jesus theories across the spectrum from Marcus Borg to N.T. Wright and to describe these historical Jesus theories in an accurate and concise way".
Pages d'Art Chrétien (pagine di arte cristiana): Gesù nelle rappresentazioni artistiche.
La Vie de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ
Le Visage du Christ dans l'art occidental chrét
Le Visage du Christ étude exhaustiveJ. Paul Getty Museum The Collections: ReligionChrist
13-17 June 1998 St. Mary's College University of St Andrews
Sul sito sono presenti gli "abstracts" delle relazioni.
Chrystian Boyer, Jésus a-t-il subi un procès juif ? de Religiologiques21 (2000)
G. David Schwartz, Aher (Elisha ben Abuyah) and Jesus
William Loader, Jesus the Jew
Phillip Wiebe, Altered States of Consciousness and New Testament Interpretation of Post-Resurrection Appearances [ IV - 2002 ]
By Cahleen Shrier [adapted by Tally (French ’00) Flint], The Science of the Crucifixion [ V - 2002 ]
Celluloid Savior: Jesus in the Movie by Jeffrey H. Mahan Journal of Religion and Film [ VII - 2002 ]
The Coins of Jesus' time [ IX - 2002 ]
Rev. William G. Most Jesus Christ Yesterday, Today and Forever
Review of Jacob Neusner: A Rabbi Talks With Jesus Our Lady's Physical Virginity in the Birth of Jesus
On Jesus Learning Obedience: Hebrews 5:8 Jesus Paid for All Kingship of Christ, Queenship of Mary in Scripture
Languages of Palestine at time of Christ An Ignorant Jesus? The Human Knowledge of Jesus Do We Need Jesus?
Did Jesus ever worry? Date of Birth of Christ Brothers and Sisters of Jesus
Theological Works of Fr. William G. Most The list at right includes books, courses, articles and notes, both published and unpublished. Unless otherwise noted, all works are © Trinity Communications 2001. [ VII - 2003]
Jesus Christ — Head of the Church Con links verso articoli di riviste e enciclopedie e altri materiali in rete.
(Theology Library at Spring Hill College Over 8,000 links ) [VII -2003]
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