Programma - Qumran - Esseni - Qumran links - Qumran Sito,Grotte Mss. del Mar Morto Novità sul sito
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per lo studio della Bibbia -
Programmi e Testi scaricabili (Bibbie in diverse
lingue, Concordanze, Dizionari, Commenti):
"La Bibbia Italiana" Il programma della Bibbia è disponibile per diversi sistemi operativi []. Windows Macintosh Linux iPhone e iPad Android Symbian (molti cellulari della Nokia) Kindle
Windows Mobile e Windows Phone Blackberry altri Novità sul sito - Windows - La versione 7.19.4 - 2015 - del programma della Bibbia richiede la versione 2.0 o dopo del .NET framework. Windows Vista e dopo lo contiene già.
Chi ha un computer più vecchio che ha difficoltà con questa versione del programma potrebbe provare la versione 6.5 del programma.
Il programma è fornito per vari sistemi, quando non fosse presente una versione della Bibbia italiana si degnalano anche altriptogrammi: Windows, Macintosh, Linux, iPhone e iPad, Android, Symbian (molti cellulari della Nokia), Kindle, Windows Mobile e Windows Phone, Blackberry, altri
OnlineBible The Online Bible Edition - The version 4.41.01b ( February 17, 2015 )
A partire dalla versione 4 ( giugno 2012: 4.24 ) a causa degli estesi aggiornementi alla stessa struttura intena del prognamma, che ora supporta Unicode non lo rendono più compatibile con i moduli delle versioni precedenti. This Unicode program must NOT BE USED with the version 1.xx CD or version 1.xx program. Update your version - Ma Online Bible Edition 3.00 è ancora disponibile sul sito.
Per le versioni italiane e in altre lingue vedere anche: Online Bible Newsgroup
Links connessi - Siti connessi (meno aggiornati e completi): Online Bible Macintosh Version files olb in lingua francese en langue française
(Ottimo programma con molte funzioni di ricerca e di analisi del testo: testo ebraico vocalizzato e con accenti, concordanza, dizionario, traduzione tedesca greca latina - LXX - ) Al momento TNACH è uno dei migliori programmi non commerciali disponibili per la qualita delle funzioni di ricerca che fornisce - ottime anche le funzioni del dizionario e della concordanza. Altri programmi come Esword (in fase di continua crescita) o OnlineBible naturalmente dovranno essere tenuti presenti per la quantita dei moduli disponibili - tra questi alcuni ottimi commenti. Mentre Davar resta ancora ottimo per i suoi dizionari, e nelle ultime versioni sono aumentati i testi disponibili e aumentate anche le funzioni disponibili. Per chi desidera un programma in lingua italiana La Parola (La Bibbia Italiana) fornisce ottime funzioni e un discreto numero di moduli. Sul sito non si segnala più la possibilità di scaricare la versione TNACH 5.2 [non java] [ Robert Sandrock] (Juli 2004)Version 5.2: Konkordanz zur hebräischen, griechischen und lateinischen Bibel mit deutschen Übersetzungen für Windows 95 / 98 / ME / 2000 / XP -
Tnach 6.0 [altern. link] Tnach 6.1 Java-Konkordanz zur hebräischen, griechischen und lateinischen Bibel mit deutschen Übersetzungen
Getestet unter Linux, Windows 7.0 und Windows 8.0 La versione 6. del programma ha superato la fase Beta e si può ora scaricare (per l'uso è indispensabile Java, a partire dalla versione 6)
Funktionen des Programms: Schnelle Suche nach hebräischen / aramäischen / griechischen / lateinischen / deutschen Wörtern (wahlweise Grundformen [Lemmata] oder gebeugte Formen), hebräischer / aramäischer / griechischer Urtext, Septuaginta, Vulgata, Luther-Übersetzung und Elberfelder Bibel, schnelles Aufschlagen der Bibel an einer Stelle (z.B. Jes 7,14) , grammatische (morphologische) Analyse der Wörter in allen fünf Sprachen, Suche nach Kombinationen von Wörtern (z.B. Vorkommen von „schamajim“, die in einer Umgebung von 2 Versen ein Vorkommen von „ärätz“ aufweisen), auch in unterschiedlichen Bibeltexten, Suche nach Buchstabenkombinationen, im hebräischen Text: wahlweise Suche nach Konsonanten mit Vokalen oder Konsonanten allein, hebräisch-deutsches Wörterbuch (enthält alle hebräischen und alle aramäischen Wörter des Alten Testaments), griechisch-deutsches Wörterbuch, lateinisch-deutsches Wörterbuch.
Lauffähig ist das Programm auf allen Computern mit Java (mindestens Java 7.0). Die stabile Version 6.1 (neu 31.7.2016) kann unter "Download" heruntergeladen werden.
Rechte. Das Programm darf frei kopiert und benutzt werden.
Entstehung des Programms. Bei dem Programm handelt es sich um die Weiterentwicklung der Diplomarbeit von Br. Robert Sandrock OSB, die 1993 am Seminar für Altes Testament der Fakultät für Katholische Theologie an der Universität Bonn von Dr. Ch. Frevel betreut wurde.
"The CrossWire Bible Society is an organization that sponsors OpenSource efforts focused on developing free Bible software and tools". (non solo bibbia, ma anche parecchio altro materiale - Anche per Linux).
The SWORD Project for Windows is our Windows Bible Study program - Current Version v1.5.11 2008
BibleTime - Bibelprogramm . BibleTime is a Bible study application with a long history on Linux/Unix. Now built with the Qt framework, it runs on Linux/Unix and Windows. Its window layout is very versatile, and BibleTime makes working with even large numbers of text modules easy. The software uses the SWORD programming library to work with over 200 free Bible texts, commentaries, dictionaries and books provided by the Crosswire Bible Society.
BibleTime 2.10.0 released! The BibleTime team is proud to announce the immediate availability of BibleTime version 2.10.0, which is the first release in the stable 2.10 series of BibleTime. 12/24/2013 - 05:52 bibletimeBiblestudy software for Windows and Linux. Free and opensource, CD Image is available. project Download biblestudy-version1_0.setup.exe (6.9 MB)
The Bible Tool - - a free, evolving open source tool for exploring the Bible and related texts online. Created by CrossWire Bible Society, the Society of Biblical Literature and the American Bible Society asthe first in a number of coming Bible engagement tools using an XML standard called OSIS, we provide power searching capabilities and cutting edge tools to help you engage the Bible at a deeper
DAVAR 4 Scripture Study Tool davar 3 [Mirror ] :Davar4 is scriptures study tool. [NEW: Davar4 final version released! Posted 2016 - 11 - 20 -- 38 new modules for Davar4 released Posted 2016 - 09 - 29] You can browse texts, compare and search in user friendly interface. If you prefer to work with original languages as Hebrew and Greek, you can use dictionaries and lexicons. You can open also commentaries and references for deep study of texts. If you need, you can create own notes. Some texts are available as audio narration and you can read and hear together. A lot of pictures, maps, charts and photos can be opened. If you have tablet with MS Windows, program can be switched to tablet mode and use gestures. Advanced users can create own modules for program using MDK tools. After release of Davar3 (2008) and some program updates, decision was made to rewrite all program. Main reason was missing Unicode support in Davar3 and thus serious problems to display some texts (Chinese, Korean, Japanese etc). Another reason was to abandon own (opened) file formats of modules, learn SQLite3 and profit from SQL database - add/edit/delete records is very easy to implement.In present, Davar4 is well stable and tested piece of software, coming out of alpha-version testing. There are still not finished features and things, which needs to be polished. But according our and tester's experiences, it can offer more features than (unsupported) Davar3 version. It is time, after a lot of work and time passed to welcome you to try upcoming Davar4 version.
Davar4 - list of new features and changes - - Download Davar4 and modules - - Freqently Asked Questions (FAQ) -
La versione 4 puo essere installata mantenendo la versione di Davar 3 che è ancora presente sul sito e scaricabile: [Davar 3 scaricabile anche in formato iso ] Davar 3 [ ] together with over 100 modules - books, lexicons and dictionaries. CD IMAGE: Released Davar3 CD revision2 . This CD (revision 2) contains 110 book modules, 31 lexicons, 12 dictionaries, 505 pictures (Bible atlas, maps, photos, charts and illustrations) and audio book Ecclesiastes in Hebrew in MP3 format. Program Davar3 is localised to 14 languages and help file is in English, Czech, Dutch, Portuguese and Russian. [Il programma può essere lanciato direttamente dal CD senza installazione su PC]. Su vecchi sistemi, se ce l'avete potete ancora utilizzare Davar 2.4 - DAVAR 2.4 is a free hebrew dictionary/lexicon, running on Windows95/98/ME/NT/W2000/XP platform. It can be a helpful tool for study of Old Testament language as well as modern ivrit. Development of program is finished - if you need enhanced version suitable for Scripture studies - then look to DAVAR3 version "Adolf Novotný - Biblický Slovník - Kalich 1956" - Elektronická verze textu Le diverse versioni possono essere utilizzate senza interferenze sullo stesso PC. Ma il formato dei moduli è cambiato, e cosi i fonts ora Unicode.
Volksbibel 2000. 6 [Aktualisiert: Windows am 11.8.2016; Mac am 9.6.2016; Linux am 25.10.2016 ] Nach einer Generalüberholung ist die Volksbibel 2000.5 ins Netz gestellt. Sie können hier die neueste Version der Volksbibel 2000 für Linux, Windows und Mac OS X herunterladen. Das hebr./deutsche Wörterbuch wurde stark erweitert und ist jetzt besser mit dem hebr. Text verknüpft. Ebenso wurde das griech./deutsche Wörterbuch verbessert. (von Dr. Christoph Wollek) Läuft auf Mac, sowie unter Wind und Linux. Die Volksbibel 2000 ist freeware, d.h. sie kann kostenlos übernommen, benutzt und weitergegeben werden. Schöningh´sche Bibel; Grünewald´sche Bibel; Kommentar zum NT Günther Schiwy: Weg ins Neue Testament; Elberfelder Bibel; Lutherbibel (1902); Vulgata und die Nova Vulgata; Septuaginta (LXX); griech. Text des Neuen Testamentes; griech. Text des NT von Westcott-Hort (1895); griech./deutsche Wörterbuch; Synonyma des Neuen Testaments von Richard Chenevix Trench (1807-1886) überarbeitet; hebräischen Text des AT; hebr./deutsche Wörterbuch ( mit freundlicher Erlaubnis von Br. Robert Sandrock OSB aus T´nach übernommen); Kommentare zu einigen alttestamentlichen Büchern ...; Alle in den kommentierten Büchern des AT vorkommende hebr. Wörter sind mit dem hebr./deutschen Wörterbuch sowie einer grammatikalischen Analyse verknüpft; es erscheinen auch - wenn eins von ihnen angeklickt wird - die eventuellen Übersetzungsmöglichkeiten - Aktualisiert: Mac 31.05.2013; Win 31.05.2013 (In dieser Version sind alle biblischen Bücher mit Kommentaren versehen. Das hebr./deutsche Wörterbuch wurde stark erweitert und ist jetzt besser mit dem hebr. Text verknüpft. Ebenso wurde das griech./deutsche Wörterbuch verbessert.) - einfuehrung
BibleDatabase is one of the largest resources of FREE Bibles available anywhere ( BibleDatabase Version 5.1.16 With Unicode support 1 July 2005 BibleDatabase (/full.html) "Full Featured FREE Bible Software with more than 50 Bibles in over 30 languages to choose from.Multi Bible viewer. Bible Dictionaries, Commentaries, Biblical Names, Personal Prayer Diary, Biblical Map viewer, Rich Text Word Processor and more".
e-Sword "e-Sword is a fast and effective way to study the Bible. e-Sword is feature rich and user friendly with more capabilities than you would expect in a free software package". [
Tra i materiali disponibili segnaio le ricche note del "Keil & Delitzsch Commentary on the Old Testament" e dellla "John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible". Il Testo Ebraico è vocalizzato è accentato. Programma consigliabile per la ricchezza del materiale diponibile nei differenti moduli,
- July 2016 e-Sword version 11.0 is released. New features include all new HTML-based resources, including a new Lexicon module type. There is a new Pericope feature which places section headings throughout the Bible ] (Pocket e-Sword is no longer being developed, nor supported.) Biblias en Español para e-Sword -
theWord (The latest version of theWord is ). theWord was created in order to be a valuable, everyday tool for every Christian that wishes to read and study the Bible, the Word of God. We believe that theWord Bible Software is one of the very best Bible study software programs available, commercial or otherwise. theWord is comparable to and in many cases, if not most, better than its commercial counterparts. Although the price tag for theWord is free, do not be fooled into thinking that its price tag reflects its feature list .... There are more than 60 different options that allow you to fully customize the way the Bible text is displayed. The Bible texts may contain cross-references, footnotes, grammatical analysis links, Strong’s indices, and more. Everything can be switched on/off with a single key. Even the buttons that display the various Bible translations can be customized with icons, colors and custom titles. All these options can be different for each Bible View! So, you may have a stripped-down Bible View that only displays the Bible text in a verse-per-line mode and another that displays another translation laid-out in paragraphs, with section headings, footnotes, cross-references, Strong’s numbers, grammatical codes, even links to commentaries with relevant content. Sono disponibili moltissimi moduli liberamente scaricabili e altri da acquistare.
Zefania XML Bibelsoftware [ IIII - 2003 ] - Theologische Initiative Freiburg - Offizielle Webseite für Zefania XML
Posted on 22. April 2014 Zefania XML Module im Internet
Übersicht über die verfügbaren Downloadmöglichkeiten für Zefania XML Module im Internet
Zefania XML Module auf Sourceforge (Module wieder Online! 23.04.14)
Zefania XML Module von Sourceforge auch auf verfügbar
Zefania XML Bible Markup Language Community bei Google+
" [dead link] ist gegründet worden, um eine Basis zu schaffen auf der Bibelsoftware aller Art entstehen kann. Eine unserer Hoffung ist, dass die Zefania XML Bible Markup Language eine weite Verbreitung findet, damit Bibelstudien mit möglichst vielen darauf basierenden Softwarewerkzeugen durchgeführt werden können. Eine andere Hoffnung ist, dass Organisationen und Bibelsoftwareprogrammierer mit eigenem Text sie in Zefania XML Bible Markup Language für Benutzer zur Verfügung stellen, selbst dann wenn sie dafür eine Gebühr erheben würden". Das VplToZefaniaXML Powershellscript ist das Schweizer Taschenmesser für Modulmacher. Damit erstellt man aus Textdateien, die Bibeltexte in der Form VPL (= Ein Vers pro Zeile) enthalten, gültige Zefania XML BibelmoduleMyBible ist ein kostenloses Bibelprogramm. Es enthält alle wichtigen Funktionen kommerzieller Bibelprogramme und teilweise auch eine ganze Menge mehr. Die Bibeltexte im Zefania-XML-Format werden von der Free Bible Software Group bereitgestellt, die Sie mit dem integrierten Download-Manager herunterladen können". : MyBible - Aktuelle Version: 1.6 II - 2007 ] Molto gradevole la possibilità di collocare i testi delle versioni prescelte su colonne parallele.
Moduli scaricabili: Project: Zefania XML Bible Markup Language: File List [ver.194 - 2012] - -
Looking for the latest version? Download SF_2014-05-12_YBY_YAWNT_(THE NEW TESTAMENT).zip (434.0 kB)
ISA ( Interlinear Scripture Analyzer ) is an interlinear Bible program which is designed to close the gap between translations and the original text. A transparent organized database structure is used to make sure that all (other) renderings of a Greek word are directly visible - 15 Jun. 2011 release - Release Interlinear Scripture Analyzer 2 basic (version 2.1.5)
Si può anche scaricare la versione pdf del testo [senza naturalmente tutte le opzioni fornire dal programma] Interlinear Bible (PDF format):
English OT Hebrew Interlinear (last update 14 Jan. 2008) - NT Greek Interlinear (last update 25 Jan 2010)
Nederlands NT Grieks interlineair (27 Dec 2014)
Dizionario biblico in russo (old dead link) by V.P. Vichliantsev (mirror) [Archive links]
BIBLIA HEBRAICA ( links) hebrew greek czech (url alternativo) interlinear translation (Into Czech language translate: Jiri Vytlacil, Hradec Kralove, CZ Archive link) HEBREW - CZECH BIBLICAL DICTIONARY (2004)
Theophilos. ver 3 (3.1.6) con traduzioni ceche, slovacca, rumena, russa, King James [solo alcuni moduli sono scaricanili liberamente]
(vedi anche bibbie in &
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Esseni Qumran
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