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Book of Job - Libro di Giobbe [IV -2002]
David J. A. Clines, Deconstructing the Book of Job
David J. A. Clines, Why Is There a Book of Job, and What Does It Do to You If You Read It?
David J. A. Clines, Job and the Spirituality of the Reformation
David J. A. Clines, Job:
David J. A. Clines, Job's Fifth Friend:An Ethical Critique of the Book of Job
The Arguments of Job's Three Friends
False Naivety in the Prologue to Job
Job 4.13: A Byronic Suggestion
Verb Modality and the Interpretation of Job 4.20-21 748
Job 5.1-8: A New Exegesis
Belief, Desire and Wish in Job 19.23-27:
Clues for the Identity of Job's 'Redeemer'
In Search of the Indian Job
Those Golden Days: Job and the Perils of Nostalgia
Quarter Days Gone: Job 24 and the Absence of God![]()
The Book of Job: A multiperspectival approach to the problem of evil, The suffering of the righteous, and the justice of God. A theodicy.
Rob Sheldon, MAReligion, Westminster Seminary © 2000LET GOD BE GOD: THE BOOK OF JOB by Ray C. Stedman
(Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset and David Brown Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible (1871) )The Book Of Job - A Study Guide
The Book of Job by Fr. William Most
GarlikovSemeia 7 Studies in the Book of Job
Editor of this Issue: Robert Polzin and David Robertson 1977
Contributors to this Issue
Luis Alonso Schökel Pontificio Istituto BiblicoVia della Pilotta, 25 Rome 00187, Italy
James Crenshaw Vanderbilt University 215 Divinity School Nashville,Tennessee 37235
John A. Miles, Jr., Editor Doubleday & Co.245 Park AvenueNew York, New York 10017
Robert Polzin Carleton UniversityDepartment of ReligionOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1S 5B6
David Robertson University of California at DavisDepartment of EnglishDavis, California 95616
William Urbrock University of Wisconsin-OshkoshDepartment of ReligionOshkosh, Wisconsin 54901J.
William Whedbee Pomona CollegeDepartment of ReligionClaremont, California 91711
James G. Williams Syracuse UniversityDepartment of ReligionSyracuse, New York 13210Introduction to THE BOOK OF JOB "Man is most comforted by paradoxes." by G.K. Chesterton
Dennis Hinks 1989 Outline of the Book of Job
William Blake's Illustrations of the Book of Job / exhibits: blake - job (link updated XII - 2004)
Annette Yoshiko Reed "Where can Wisdom be found?" [IV -2002]
The Women of the Book of Job: Job's (first) Wife
The Women of the Book of Job: Job's daughters
Job's Place in Jewish History: The Marriage of Job and Dinah
Job's Place in Jewish History: Debating the Ethnicity of Jobhttp://www.michelwl.net/ Welcome to Biblical Scholarship by Prof. Dr. Walter L. Michel
Ph.D., Hebrew and Semitic Studies Department of Hebrew and Semitic Studies
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Prof. Dr. M. Mansoor, advisor, 1970
Professor Emeritus of Old Testament Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, 1972-2001
Con utili documenti in particolare su Giobbe e sui rapporti tra ebraismo cristianesimo [ VI - 2003 ]
Theodicies in the Book of Job by Adam J. Smargon
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