Elio Jucci : SETH    -    "Semitica et Theologica"

    Indice del Sito Home - Programma - relazioni ebraico-cristiane - Qumran - 2Qumran Sito,Grotte,Manoscritti - lingua e scrittura ebraica  -  Jucci


The Academic Jewish Studies Internet Directoryis provided by the Jewish Studies Dept., University ofDuisburg.  
 The Academic Jewish Studies Internet Directory is the prime gateway to high quality resources for the study of Judaism, including access to online library catalogs and to databases like "RAMBI - Index of Articles in Jewish Studies".      Academic Jewish Studies Internet Directory  [ aggiornato VIII - 2004]
Index to Hebrew Periodicals
Kiryat Sefer   Bibliographical Quarterly of the Jewish National andUniversity Library (from 1990)  
The National Library of Israel Qiryat Sefer - We have launched the new Merhav library catalog which searches in all the library databases. You are invited to use it  .http://aleph.nli.org.il/F/?func=file&file_name=find-b&local_base=nnlqrs&con_lng=eng
can be accessed
via telnet only :
Username: aleph, Terminalauswahl für europäische Schriften: 11, ersatzweise 2 oder 5, für Hebräisch gibt es eine Anleitung. Anschließend lb/ksf zur Katalogauswahl eingeben.

MSS - Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts
        The Jewish History Ring  
    This ring is designed to aid students and teachers of Jewish History. The ring is owned by The Dinur Center of Jewish History, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

        Internet Resources for the Study of Judaism and Christianity    Compiled by Jay C. Treat 


        The Felix Posen Bibliographic Project on Antisemitism  http://sicsa.huji.ac.il/bibsus.html
The Annotated Bibliography on Antisemitism - About the Bibliography - Search the Bibliography on Antisemitism 

The Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism (SICSA) The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

The Felix Posen Bibliographic Project on Antisemitism

The Retrospective Bibliography on Antisemitism  http://sicsa.huji.ac.il/bibret.html

    The "Jewish Question" in German-Speaking Countries (1848-1914) (ANT)
                                                        (material about the period between 1915 and 1933 is currently being added)

Tony Clark - The Rise of Anti-Semitism - Axis Mundi 2000/2001 The Rise of Anti-Semitism   [ archive ]  - per le annate più recenti  - https://sites.google.com/a/ualberta.ca/axis-mundi/forms-cabinethttps://sites.google.com/a/ualberta.ca/axis-mundi/home

Violences antisémites  par Dominique Vidal, vendredi 4 avril 2003  http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/dossiers/antisemitisme/[  ]

Ill bred  By Baruch Kimmerling
"The eugenics movement in the U.S. led it to close its doors to immigration - and was a source of inspiration for the Nazis. ..."

        Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung der Technischen Universität Berlin

"Das 1982 gegründete Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung der Technischen Universität Berlin ist die einzige und zentrale Einrichtung ihrer Art in Europa. Im Mittelpunkt seiner Arbeit steht die interdisziplinäre Grundlagenforschung zum Antisemitismus,  die durch angrenzende Schwerpunkte, deutsch-jüdische Geschichte und Holocaustforschung, ergänzt wird. Das Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung, das in die akademische Lehre eingebunden ist, versteht sich in hohem Maß auch als eine öffentliche Institution, die weit über den Rahmen eines Universitätsinstituts hinaus Dienstleistungen und Aufklärungsarbeit für die Öffentlichkeit erbringt ..."   [http://www.tu-berlin.de/fakultaet_i/zentrum_fuer_antisemitismusforschung/menue/ueber_uns/]  

       "Journal of Holocaust and Genocide Studies" Das Internet Journal befindet sich derzeit im Aufbau  https://web.archive.org/web/*/*
        in Archive sono presenti i seguenti materiali:
    Wolfgang Benz   Dimensions of the Holocaust
    Wolfgang Benz    The Other Genocide: The Persecution of the Sinti and Roma.
    Johannes Heil    The Jews in Commentaries on the Book of Revelation (8th -13th c.)
(Johannes Heil is a medievalist working at the Zentrum fuer Antisemitismusforschung der TU-Berlin (homepage).
    Konrad Kwiet    Antisemitism and Holocaust. From Prejudice to Genocide The Code of Continued Silence Breitman's Discovery of Allied Decodes about the Holocaust
    Konrad Kwiet    Anzac and Auschwitz: The unbelievable story of Donald Watt
    Jürgen Matthäus  TELEOLOGIE DER ENDLÖSUNG Zum Buch von Daniel Jonah Goldhagen "Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust", New York 1996

       "Newsletter", eine Informationszeitschrift des Zentrums für Antisemitismusforschung, die Interessierten zwei- bis dreimal jährlich übersandt wird
    Jahrbuch für Antisemitismusforschung    (Indici)

    Jewish History Sourcebook:  Bernard Lazare: Antisemitism: Its History and Causes, 1894 (Translated from the French)
        Leggere la nota introduttiva di  Paul Halsall che spiega [this is the work of a man trying to understand a phenomenon of hatred, not the work of a self-hating Jew.] come questo testo si incontri anche in siti antisemiti [dead link recuperabile in archive ]

        Riviste e Liste di discussione

Journal des Études de la Cabale     (Journal of Kabbalah Studies)    disbonibili: articoli, bibliografie, attualità,  .... [il sito è sempre attivo, anche se da parecchio tempo non pare ci siano novità] gli articoli presenti mantenbono il loro interesse
         Editoriale (ing.) Editoriale (franc.)

Jewish Social Studies Indici (sono disponibili in visione anche alcuni articoli)

American Jewish Archives Journal   http://web.archive.org/web/20040412172535/http://www.americanjewisharchives.org/aja/journal/index.html Tra l'altro nel  Volume L 1 & 2: THE WORK AND LEGACY OF JACOB RADER MARCUS  ....

"The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives (AJA), located on the historic Cincinnati campus of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, was established in 1947 by renowned historian, Dr. Jacob Rader Marcus to collect, preserve, and make available for research, materials on the history of Jews and Jewish communities in the Western Hemisphere, including data of a political, economic, social, cultural, and religious nature".  http://americanjewisharchives.org/about/
Nuovo indirizzo - http://americanjewisharchives.org/  Sono attualmente [2015] presenti le annate 1 (1948) - 65 (213)
American Jewish History    (a pagamento) Free Sample Issue  articoli d'assaggio http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/american_jewish_history/toc/ajh.97.1.html

        ASCHKENAS Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur der Juden hg. von J. Friedrich Battenberg, Hans Otto Horch u. Markus Wenninger   Indici 1996-1998

        The Babylonian Jewry Heritage Center  http://www.babylonjewry.org.il/   (i seguenti links sono relativi ale pagine in archive.org nel caso perdurasse l'inaccesibilità=
    Babylonian Jewry    A Journal for Research in the History of Babylonian Jewry (Iraqi Jewry) (Indici)
    Nehardea Magazine (Indici  articoli)

       Ioudaios Review    These web pages provide access to the complete backlist of IOUDAIOS Review issues.
    As of Janaury 2000 IOUDAIOS Review has become a select review journal, offering only a few -- twelve to fifteen -- reviews every year.
Significant books dealing with Judaism in the Greco-Roman age will be selected for review and assigned to eminent figures in the field for
substantive critique and analysis.
    Ioudaios-Lis a virtual community of scholars engaged in on-line discussion of Judaism in the Greco-Roman world.

        Browse archived articles from IOUDAIOS-L

        Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal

     "is an academic, refereed journal published exclusively on the Internet, devoted to scholarly debate on gender-related issues in Judaism. The ultimate aim of the journal is to promote the reconceptualization of the study of Judaism, by acknowledging and incorporating the roles played by women, and by encouraging the development of alternative research paradigms ..."
        The Women in Judaism Encyclopedia
        Women in Judaism:Contemporary Writings


        geschichte-juden@ ist eine "elektronische Diskussionsgruppe" (eMail-Liste), die sich der Geschichte und Kultur der Juden widmet.  [pare che non sia più attiva]

        Archivi:   http://groups.yahoo.com/group/geschichte-juden

Dieses "elektronische Diskussionsforum" soll in erster   Linie dem Austausch von Historikern, Judaisten und anderen Fachleuten   dienen, die sich mit der Geschichte und Kultur der Juden befassen; es steht jedoch auch interessierten "Laien" offen. Ein   Schwergewicht liegt auf der Beschaeftigung mit der Geschichte   und Kultur der juedischen Minderheit im deutschen Sprachraum von den   mittelalterlichen Anfaengen bis zur juengsten Vergangenheit; doch   soll die thematische Bandbreite der Listenbeitraege auch der Tatsache   Rechnung tragen, dass die Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland nur einen Ausschnitt einer "juedischen Weltgeschichte" darstellt. Hrsg.: Prof. Dr. Michael Brenner (München), Prof. Dr. Stefan Rohrbacher (Duisburg), Prof. Dr. Michael Toch (Jerusalem) [Jewish history and culture, Judaism]


    a member of H-Net Humanities & Social Sciences OnLine. H-Antisemitism encourages scholarly discussion of the history of antisemitism and makes available diverse bibliographical, research and teaching aids.

H-Antisemitism Occasional Papers

H-Antisemitism: Documents
    About The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Introduction by Gordon Fisher

    Sullo stesso argomento: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion Anti-Masonry and Anti-Semitism, Leon Zeldis, FPS, 33° PSGC, Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite for the State of Israel - Honorary Adjunct Grand Master - Editor, The Israeli Freemason
    H-Holocaust exists so scholars of the Holocaust can communicate with each other using this innovative and exciting new technology. This is primarily, though not exclusively an academic list.
     H-Judaic is the world's only on-line service devoted to on-going research and current events in academic Jewish Studies, including  professional opportunities. JSO is hosted by H-Net Humanities OnLine, * located at Michigan State University. Jewish Studies Network

        Mendele    Mendele: Forum for Yiddish Literature and Yiddish Language

        David R. Blumenthal  Jay and Leslie Cohen Professor of Judaic Studies      (Con numerosi articoli e recensioni).
        "Visitors to this page are welcome to download and use the material. Professor Blumenthal only asks that the requisite courtesy and law be observed in crediting him"


    CISEC     Centro Interdipartimentale di scienze delle religioni Università degli Studi di Bologna   http://www2.unibo.it/annuari/annu0103/Indice/parte2/P2s5-22.htm

    Judaica Libraries and Archives on the Web    Ethan Starr, "About this page: I created this page to serve as a one-stop reference to the web pages of research-level Judaica collections in libraries and archives ...".

     Academic Info: Jewish Studies    httpAcademic Info Middle Eastern Studies
            (Academic Info: Your Gateway to Quality Educational Resources)

    Jewish Scholarship and Universities    (Jewishnet: The Global Jewish Information Network)

    Jewish History Resources    Web Resources in Jewish History A collection of quality sites

    Jewish Studies Resources :    Nancy Pressman Levy  (Princeton University Library)
           Databases (Info on access to databases) -  Electronic News & Listservs for Jewish Studies

     History: Israel        WWW-VL HISTORY CENTRAL CATALOGUE (mirror it.)

    Holocaust Resources on the Internet   ( Virtual Library: Geschichte / Dritte Reich/  )

    Jewish History in Germany    ( Virtual Library: History / German History/  )

    On Anti-Semitism by Jacques Maritain ("This article appeared in the Journal Christianity and Crisis, October 6, 1941") Religion Online .

TzveeZahavy  (http://zahavy.com/

Studies in Judaism  Studies in Jewish Prayer
  Judaism's Apocalyptic Horsemen. Understanding the Mind Set of the Radical Orthodox

        Eliezer Segal -  The Ten Sefirot of the Kabbalah - http://www.acs.ucalgary.ca/~elsegal/Sefirot/Sefirot.html

        Josep Mª Fericgla  - El Chamanismo Como Sistema Adaptante - http://www.imaginaria.org/chaman.htm  
        Dead Sea Scrolls & Qumran

    Víctor Bochman,    Tesoros ocultos - 100 Centenario del descubrimiento de la Guenizá de El Cairo   (inglese)

Georges Hansel, Professeur émérite à l'Université de Rouen

    Explorations Talmudiques (Éditions Odile Jacob, Paris, 1998)
Sciences du quoi et science du qui (Extrait de Explorations talmudiques)
Le pharisiens et la révélation (Extrait de Explorationstalmudiques)
Politique, droit juif et amnésie collective (Extrait de Explorations talmudiques)
De l'interruption de grossesse (Extrait de Explorations talmudiques)

Le Talmud, le folklore et le symbole (Communication auXXIIIe Colloque des intellectuels juifs de langue française, 1984)
Le sacré et le profane (Conférence au groupe Gesher, publiée dans l'Arche, n. 454, septembre 1995)
Qu'est-ce que le mouktsé (Conférence au centre Edmond Fleg)
Sauver la vie et sanctifier le nom (Cahiers du judaïsme, numéro 6, hiver 1999/2000)
Messie fils de Joseph et Messie fils de David selon le Rav Kook (Conférence au centre Edmonf Fleg)
Création et éternité du monde selon Maïmonide (Conférence au centre Edmonf Fleg)

Défense et illustration de la Cabale : Le philosophe et le cabaliste de Moïse Hayyim Luzzato par Joëlle Hansel, Pardès, 12, 1990.
Les engendrements  Conférence de Léon Askenazi (Manitou), rédaction à partir d'un enregistrement
De Noé à Abraham ou la raison de la grâce  Cours de Léon Askenazi (Manitou), rédaction et mise en forme à partir
d'un enregistrement

Morale juive et Morale chrétienne par Elie Benamozegh (1822-1900) le livre entier

    Sur les traces d'Emmanuel Levinas:
Pour mémoire : A propos du dernier livre de Paul Ricoeur  par David Hansel, octobre 2000
0H! JÉRUSALEM... . par le rabbin Josy Eisenberg, Information juive, janvier 2001
Les pérégrinations des camps  par le Rav Kook, 1933, traduit et présenté par Amnon Danan et Georges Hansel
    Welcome to the Emmanuel Levinas  Web Page Maintained by Peter Atterton
D. Hansel, L'origine chez Rabbi Yehouda Halevy Ashlag: Tsimtsoum de Dieu ou tsimtsoum du Monde ?

        Jewish Personalities

"Welcome to Gates to Jewish Heritage, an evermore comprehensive Jewish learning website with something of interest for everyone. Rabbi David E. Lipman serves as rabbi of Temple Sinai in Cranston, Rhode Island. He loves teaching and created this website to make Jewish heritage more accessible and meaningful for all".
      JEWISH HISTORY    Eye Witnesses | General Moments | Modern State of Israel  Rabbinic Perspectives

        Relazioni ebraico-cristiane    (in questo sito)

        Michael Zank

Reverberations of Hermann Cohen in Contemporary Jewish Philosophy
Excerpts from The Rabbinic Epithet Gevurah
Goldhagen in Germany: Historians' Nightmare & Popular Hero.  An Essay on the Reception of Hitler's Willing Executioners in Germany

          Mohr Siebeck
    Sala de lectura Mohr Siebeck.  Probelesen bei Mohr Siebeck

        Editions Verdier: textes-hebraiques    Textes de la tradition hébraïque  (Catalogo)


Mary Stephanos,    The Jewish Community at Dura-Europos: Portrait of a People  janus

Judaism and Hellenism: The Encounter by Clare Goldfarb

The main Rashi page (RashiYomi Inc; Dr Hendel President, RASHI IS SIMPLE VER 3.0)

     the Grammar page        [XII -2001]

    Haggadah di Pesah - Passover Haggadha   haggadah-pesah.htm

   Testi in ebraico (e non)
    Hebrew Books.org -  Seforim online!
ספרי קודש לעיון והורדה חינם 52,145 Classical Hebrew Books for Free Download
 tra questi:
midrash haggadol to leviticus  E.N. Rabinpowitz 1932
Mishna in Yiddish     S.L. Hurwitz N.Y. 1934
Torah Translated by Isaac Wolf Orgel, New York 1916 (ebraico con note di traduzione  a pie' di pagina)
Otzar Midrashim M-Z by Rabbi J.D.Eisenstein (New York, NY 1915)
Otzar Midrashim A-L by Rabbi J.D.Eisenstein (New York, NY 1915)
[ per contenere le dimensioni dei pdf scaricabili è stato adottato un sistema di compressione compatibile con Acrobat Reader a partire dalla versione 5,1]
http://www.seforimonline.org/index.html   Seforim Database - Unsorted Seforim - Blog
Seforim on line "This web site is dedicated to making old seforim of Rishonim and Acharonim available over the internet. The Seforim Online project is run by dedicated individuals who are commited to the mitzva of Talmud Torah. All of the seforim available on this web site are completely free. Most of them are out-of-print and are not readily available in stores. Some are not out-of-print, but due to their age do not have any copyright restrictions".

   Testi in ebraico ( e non)   
Gallica  (Bibliothèque Nationale de France)  per giungere alle opere segnalate seleziona Recherche
        puo essere utile la ricerca per soggetto con temi quali bible, hébreu, judaica, juifs.

            Tra i testi disponibile vi erano i seguenti [si trovano ora in differenti scansioni in altri siti]
Buxtorf   Il Lexicon chaldaicum, talmudicum et rabbinicum  di Johannes Buxtorf  non è più diponibile in Gallica ma si trova p.es. in https://archive.org/details/joannisbuxtorfi01fiscgoog  [vedi anche]
[ vedi anche  i sempre utili e continuamente ristampati) A Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic Literature Volume I by Marcus Jastrow London: Luzac & Co. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons 1903 A Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic Literature Volume II   https://archive.org/search.php?query=creator%3A%22Jastrow%2C+Marcus%2C+1829-1903%22   - Jastrow's Dictionary in PDF, volume I at etana.org   -   Jastrow's Dictionary in PDF, volume II at etana.org  ]
Johannes Buxtorf - Synagoga judaica https://pantherfile.uwm.edu/corre/www/buxdorf/   -  https://archive.org/details/johannisbuxtorfi00buxt -
Johannes Buxtorf, Synagoga Judaica (Juden-schül) Newly Translated and Annotated by Alan D. Corré
Johannes Buxtorf - Thesaurus grammaticus linguae sanctae hebraeae   -  http://books.google.it/books/about/Thesaurus_grammaticus_linguae_sanctae_he.html?id=jbg-AAAAYAAJ&redir_esc=y

Gesenius   http://gallica.bnf.fr/
Gesenius, Wilhelm, Lexicon manuale hebraicum et chaldaicum in veteris testamenti libros (1847)  - http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k295347.r=.langEN
Gesenius, Wilhelm, Hebraïsche Elementarbuch von Dr. Wilhelm Gesenius. Erster Theil. Hebraïsche Grammatik - http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k296188.r=.langEN

in archive org parecchie scansioni di differenti edizioni di vari volumi del Gesenius https://archive.org/search.php?query=creator%3A%22wilhelm+gesenius%22

Wilhelm Gesenius, Geschichte der hebräischen Sprache und Schrift : eine philologisch-historische Einleitung in die Sprachlehren und ...

Wilhelm Gesenius, Wörterbücher der hebräischen Sprache /   Wilhelm Gesenius, Hebraïsche Grammatik

Elémens de la grammaire hébraïque,  par J. E. Cellerier fils,... suivis des Principes de la syntaxe hébraïque / trad. librement de l'allemand de Wilhelm Gesenius  http://gallica.bnf.fr/Search  [provare la ricerca senza accenti]
Lexicon manuale hebraicum et chaldaicum in veteris testamenti libros / post ed. germanicam tertiam latine elabovarit multisque modis retractavit et auxit Guil. Gesenius,... ; ed. altera emendator A. B. auctore ipso adornata atque ab A. Th. Hoffmanno,...

Suidas, [Lexicon graecum] (1499)   http://gallica.bnf.fr/

MIDRASH    http://gallica.bnf.fr/

Midras Ihames mgiylwt rabta

Peyrws hatwrah seIhiber rabiy Abraham ben 'Ezra [In Pentateuchum] / [Abraham ibn 'Ezra]

Seper ha'iqariym / [Ywsep Albw]

Quincuplex Psalterium / [publ. par] Jacques Lefèvre d'Etaples   http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k5930.r=Quincuplex+Psalterium++%5Bpubl+par%5D+Jacques+Lef%C3%A8vre+d%27Etaples.langEN    http://gallica.bnf.fr/

Online Heritage    JNUL Digitized Book Repository  http://jnul.huji.ac.il/eng/digibook.html  

"The Jewish National and University Library is proud to announce the first stage of a project to digitize rare and out-of-print monographs from its collection.    The aim of this project is to make these works freely available not only to on site users but also to the public worldwide. This will both preserve the originals and greatly increase the number of people who will be able to refer to them.    An initial group of some 100 volumes has been digitized with the generous support of the Dorot Foundation. Additional works will be added weekly. Selection will be based on considerations of demand, preservation and funding. Only works in the public domain will be considered.     ..."
The books are presented in the DjVu format  Lista dei titoli digitalizzati

   Testi in ebraico ( e non) 

Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana
    "The basis for the Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana, Department of Judaica and Hebraica, Amsterdam University Library, was laid by Leeser Rosenthal (b. in 1794 in Nasielsk, near Warsaw, d. 1868 in Hanover). His remarkable collection of Judaica and Hebraica, regarded as the largest private library in this field, was donated by his son, the Amsterdam banker George Rosenthal, to the City of Amsterdam in 1880.Since then the 'Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana' has become one of the large European collections of its kind"
    "To celebrate the bicentary of Rosenthal's birth (1794 - 1994) the staff of the library have produced a richly illustrated volume containing over fifty full-color reproductions of high quality plus introductions by a range of leading international experts:
Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana - Treasures of Jewish Booklore"
    "Studia Rosenthaliana is the world's only scholarly journal on the history, culture and heritage of the Jews in the Netherlands. Establised in 1967 by the late Dr L. Fuks and covering a variety of subjects such as the history of the Portuguese Jews in the Low Countries, topics on the local history of Jewish communities and on Jewish art in the Netherlands, Studia Rosenthaliana includes contributions by scholars such as Jonathan Israel, Yosef Kaplan and Herman P. Salomon" Full text of vol.34 - 2000

Menasseh Ben Israel
Following in the tradition of collecting books specifically printed in Amsterdam, the Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana has acquired an almost complete collection of Menasseh editions. There are now 70 items (of a total of about 75 that have been printed).
[Purtroppo la qualità della riproduzioni di alcuni testi le rende pressoche inservibili - Per altri invece la qualità è buona)
These are all included full-text in the digital collection, as well as two letters, a copper plate by Salmon Italia, an etching by Rembrandt, and publications about Menasseh

    Altri Testi (alcuni in ebraico)   Jewish National and University Library Digitized Book Repository     [updated III 2006]



 Midrash Ha-Gadol by    Schechter, Solomon https://archive.org/details/midrashhagadolal00sche 

Welcome to E-Daf.com   elcome to E-Daf.com, your online source for Talmud Daf Yomi in Tzuras HaDaf
The Internet center for the study of Dafyomi brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf   
Welcome to Daf Yomi on the Web. Here you will find a collection of resources for learning the Daf Yomi, the daily page of Talmud studied as part of a monumental program initiated by Rav Meir Shapiro in 1923 at the First World Congress of Agudath Israel in Vienna. With 2711 pages in the Talmud, it takes about 7 and a half years to complete. We are now in the 11th cycle of study, which began September 29,1997. Daf yomi shiurim are given by Rav Grossman of Los Angeles. You can listen to them online in real audio format, or download them in real audio, mp3 or wma format.

Classic Jewish Texts and Sephardic Treatises  - qualche residuo in    http://web.archive.org/web/20070113174849/http://www.sephardiccouncil.org/sages/texts.html

Sefer Yetzirah: The Earliest of the Kabbalistic Written Works  with Commentary by Rabbi Saadia Gaon (written 932 CE)
12th Century CE RAMBAM: Sefer HaMada, Mishneh Torah

These books are complete. They will take about 30 seconds to load
1) Hilchot Yesodei Hatorah (Fundamentals of Torah)
2) Hilchot Deiot (Mental States)
3) Hilchot Talmud Torah (Torah Study)
4) Hilchot Avodat Cochavim (Idolatry and Idolators)
The Guide for the Perplexed FULL TRANSLATION ONLINE
613 Mitzvos according to Sefer Hamitzvos of Rambam 248 Positive / 365 Negative
12th Century CE Judah Ha-Levi: The Kuzari
16th Century CE SEFER YOHASSIN - BOOK OF LINEAGE by Rabbi Abraham Ben Samuel Zacuto

The Occident and American Jewish AdvocateA MONTHLY PERIODICAL DEVOTED TO THE DIFFUSION OF KNOWLEDGE on Jewish Literature and Religion edited BY ISAAC LEESER.       [ VII -2002]
Volume 1 (April, 1843 - March 1844) Volume 2 (April, 1844 - March 1845) Volume 3 (April, 1845 - March 1846)
Volume 4 (April, 1846 - March 1847) Volume 5 (April, 1847 - March 1848) Volume 6 (April, 1848 - March 1849)

Yohanan Petrovsky,

( newly discovered documents from The Vernadsky Library, Kiev )

LEON MODENA E IL DELICIAE REGIS    di Gianfelice Ferlito. 
MA'ADANNE MELEK AND LEON MODENA HEBREO DA VENETIA di Gianfelice Ferlito.   http://carmelo111.supereva.it/madon.htm?p dead link 
ma probabilmente riguarda un'opera sugli scacchi : cfr. http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/4314-chess  :The earliest writer to treat of chess among the Jews is Hyde, who, in the second volume of his "De Ludis Orientalibus" (1694), prints three Hebrew works on chess, with excellent translations in Latin. These are: (1) a poem attributed to Abraham ibn Ezra, ... , the Latin title being "Carmina Rhythmica de Ludo Schah-mat, R. Abraham Abben-Ezra, Beatæ Memoriæ"(Steinschneider, "Cat. Bodl." col. 684); (2) "Meliẓat ha-Seḥoḳ ha-Ishḳaḳi," a poem by Bonsenior ibn Yaḥya (in Berechiah ha-Nakdan's "Mishle Shua'lim," Mantua, 1557-58; "Cat. Bodl." col. 796); and (3) "Ma'adanne Melek" ("Cat. Bodl." col. 604), attributed by Steinschneider to Judah or Leo di Modena (1571-1648). If the poem first mentioned is correctly ascribed to Ibn Ezra (d. 1167), it certainly gives the oldest set of chess rules extant; and it has been reprinted six times under that impression. The Hebrew text is given in Steinschneider ("Schach bei den Juden," pp. 43-45), as well as a German rendering (ib. pp. 12-15); and the following English translation is by Nina Davis (now Mrs. Salomon), in "Songs of Exile" (pp. 129-131), issued by the Jewish Publication Society of America, Philadelphia, 1901



David Instone-Brewer, :  (http://www.tyndale.cam.ac.uk/Brewer/Instone-Brewer.htm olf link)

Traditions of the Rabbis from the Era of the New Testament - TRENT (Eerdmans 2003-2007) ( http://www.tyndalearchive.com/TRENT/Vol1/ )
Biblical Divorce & Remarriage in the Bible: The Social and Literary Context (Eerdmans 2002) (academic version)
Biblical Divorce and Remarriage in the 1st & 21st Centuries (Grove Booklet 2001) (for church leaders)
Biblical Divorce & Remarriage (non-academic version)
Marriage & Divorce Papyri of the ancient Greek, Roman and Jewish world. (web-only publication)
Pseudepigrapha, Apocrypha and Sacred Writings  

Justification and Variegated Nomism Cambridge Seminar for NT [esiste ancora in rete ma la versione'd'archvio è più completa forse]  PhD students Drs. M.N.A. Bockmuehl & P.M. Head 2001-2002  

The History of the Interpretation of the Apostle Paul   Lectures By Dr. Peter M. Head    [ XI - 2002]
Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History Cambridge Seminar for NT PhD students Prof. G.N. Stanton 2002-2003  [ XI - 2002]

WÖRTERBUCH DES JÜDISCHEN RECHTS  http://www.juedisches-recht.de/lex_inhaltsverzeichnis.php  -  web.archive.org/     

Neudruck 1980 der im "Jüdischen Lexikon" (1927-1930)  erschienenen Beiträge zum jüdischen Recht
MARCUS COHN, Doktor der Rechte Rechtsanwalt und Notar in Basel  Rechtsberater des israelischen Justizministeriums
Mit einem Vorwort von Haim H. Cohn Vizepräsident des Obersten Gerichtshofs von Israel


You are reading an English translation of the Chumash, Rashi Commentary, and Text Footnotes, as found in the Metsudah Chumash/Rashi, Copyright (c) 1991, 1993 by Avrohom Davis, Nachum Y. Kornfeld, and Abraham B. Walzer, provided courtesy of Simcha Graphics  [dead link] New link http://www.mnemotrix.com/texis/vtx/chumash

Jay Treat  http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~jtreat/ is a specialist in the history and literature of Judaism and Christianity in the Greco-Roman period, with a focus on Old Greek Song of Songs. [ Archive]

http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~jtreat/song/  [ Archive] 
The Aramaic Targum of Song of Songs (in English translation)

The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler

Works of John Gill 
http://www.pbministries.org/books/gill/  - http://www.pbministries.org/books/gill/Sermons&Tracts/index.htm  - Solomon's Song http://www.pbministries.org/books/gill/Solomons_Song/index.htm  - John Gill's Exposition on the Whole Bible  http://www.studylight.org/commentaries/geb/

A Vindication of the Reverend Mr. John Gill, from the cavils, and insults of an ignorant and impertinent scribbler, about the importance of Rabbinical learning. 

A Body of PRACTICAL Divinity Book 5—Chapter 1 A Dissertation Concerning the Baptism of Jewish Proselytes Of the Various Sorts of Proselytes Among the Jews    [ XI - 2002]

Welcome to the Mail-Jewish Digest Hypertext Edition

http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/index.jsp  Uno strumento di consultazione fondamentale

"This website contains the complete contents of the 12-volume Jewish Encyclopedia, which was originally published between 1901-1906. The Jewish Encyclopedia, which recently became part of the public domain, contains over 15,000 articles and illustrations.    This online version contains the unedited contents of the original encyclopedia. Since the original work was completed almost 100 years ago, it does not cover a significant portion of modern Jewish History (e.g., the creation of Israel, the Holocaust, etc.). However, it does contain an incredible amount of information that is remarkably relevant today".    [ VI - 2003]

  http://databases.jewishlibraries.org/sites/default/files/proceedings/proceedings2002/levy.pdf   [old  dead link   http://www.jewishlibraries.org/ajlweb/publications_files/proceedings37/levy.pdf]
The Association of Jewish Libraries     http://www.jewishlibraries.org/

Altre Utili Enciclopedie  
  - Archive:  http://1911encyclopedia.org/index.htm
The best encyclopedia ever written was published over 90 years ago! And now you can find right here on the web! This 1911 Edition Encyclopedia is filled with historical information that is still relevant today.
It fills 29 volumes and contains over 44 million words. The articles are written by more than 1500 authors within their various fields of expertise. As a research tool, this 1911 encyclopedia edition is unparalleled-- even today
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Fifth Edition Copyright ©1994, 1995 Columbia University Press.
Citizendium http://en.citizendium.org/  ( una diramazione tuttora esistente del progetto di Nupedia )- The project aims to improve on the Wikipedia model by providing increased reliability ] -  http://www.nupedia.com/  [progetto chiuso nel 2003 le voci  presenti sono sta assorbite nella versione inglese della wikipedia
http://www.wikipedia.org/ -
http://www.refdesk.com/factency.html -collezione di links a differenti enciclopedie
(Segnalato sito malevolo non se ne garantisce la sicurezza)
Biographisch-Bibliographischen Kirchenlexikons  http://www.bbkl.de/  [Leider ist es uns nicht mehr möglich, dieses Werk weiterhin uneingeschränkt frei zugänglich zu machen. Deshalb bitten wir unsere Benutzer seit Anfang des Jahres 2011, unsere Arbeit mit einer freiwilligen Spende zu unterstützen. Leider bleibt diese Aktion ohne nennenswerte Reaktion. Ab sofort versuchen wir, das Fortbestehen des Kirchenlexikons durch die Einrichtung von Abonnements zu finanzieren.]  [ old link  http://www.bautz.de/bbkl/ ]
The Catholic Encyclopedia  http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/   [Knight chose the 1913 15-volume set because the later editions are still under copyright protection. Not only is the 1913 version in the public domain, but it is also thought by many to be the superior version. It covers topics both religious and secular, from a uniquely Catholic perspective. Although 84 years old, readers will find the information solid, surprisingly relevant, and eternally valuable]. 

Encyclodaedia biblica; a critical dictionary of the literary, political and religious history, the archaeology, geography, and natural history of the bible by The Rev. T. K. Cheyne, M.A., Dd and J. Sutherland Black, M.A. LL.D. New York, The Macmillan Company; London:Adam and Charles Black, 1899  http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/lookupid?key=olbp14092   Vol 1. A-D  pdf  - 2. E-K  pdf  - 3. L-P   pdf - 4. Q-Z   pdf  

http://kammeo.blogspot.it/2015/01/encyclopedia-judaica-jewish-encyclopedia.html  Encyclopaedia Judaica, Editors: Michael Berenbaum and Fred Skolnik, 2nd ed., Macmillan Reference USA, Detroit     2007
  Gli articoli posso essere letti online, oppure scaricati in formato pdf.

"The following list is a translation of names and minimal personal data for 8,500 people included in Jewish Encyclopedia of Russia (Rossiyskaya Evreiskaya Entsiclopediya); first edition; 1995, Moscow. Famous people who are listed in the book, which in fact is a biographical dictionary, were born in Russia."  http://www.jewishgen.org/Belarus/rje_a.htm 
"The "All Belarus Database" is a multiple-database search, which incorporates all of the databases listed below, which contain over 200,000 entries from Belarus".   http://www.jewishgen.org/databases/belarus/
JewishGen: The Home of Jewish Genealogy  http://www.jewishgen.org/

"ShtetLinks is a project of JewishGen, Inc., which aims to provide a place where anyone with an interest in a place where Jews have lived to commemorate that place. That is accomplished by creating an individual web page for that place with information, pictures, databases, and links to sites that provide additional information on that place. ShtetLinks is not confined to Ashkenazim (descendants of eastern European Jews); but is open to Sephardim (descendants of Jews from Spain and Portugal), Mizrachim (Jews from Asia) and Jews from other places, as well. ShtetLinks does no original research; we have no information that does not appear on our website". http://www.shtetlinks.jewishgen.org/[ VI - 2003]

A Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic Literature  by Marcus Jastrow London: Luzac & Co. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons 1903  si trova fra l'altro in:
http://www.tyndalearchive.com/tabs/jastrow/  -  https://archive.org/search.php?query=creator%3A%22Jastrow%2C+Marcus%2C+1829-1903%22  - http://case.summon.serialssolutions.com/search?s.q=jastrow&summonVersion=2.0#!/search?ho=t&q=Dictionary%20of%20the%20Targumim,%20Talmud%20Bavli,%20Talmud%20Yerushalmi%20and%20Midrashic%20Literature&l=en  -

Conferencias de Joseph Sievers en Argentina (2001) versión española - english version    [ VI - 2003 ]

Tema: "Flavio Josefo y su relato en la historia del Segundo Templo. Percepción y fuentes." flaviojosefo.htm
Tema: "¿Quién era fariseo?"
Tema: "Espiritualidades judía y cristiana. ¿Caminos diferentes, metas semejantes?"
Tema: "Judaísmo y Cristianismo en el siglo I a través de los Rollos del Mar Muerto."

Edward O. Dodson, Toldot Adam: A Little-Known Chapter in the History of Darwinism http://www.asa3.org/
From: Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 52 (March 2000): 47-54.

"In his autobiography, Darwin mentioned an essay in Hebrew which showed that his theory of evolution "is contained in the Old Testament." Naphtali Halevi (or Lewy) argued in Toldot Adam that Hebrew word choices in the Torah favored evolution, as did some passages in the Midrash Rabbah and the Talmud. Although his argument is not entirely convincing, he proposed interesting alternative interpretations of many biblical texts. Collectively, they suggest that the supposed irreconcilable contradictions between evolution and biblical creation are exaggerated because of an inadequate understanding of the Hebrew text".
[sta in   Studies in the History of Science and Christianity    Una raccolta di materiali interessanti] 
si può vedere anche Perspectives on Science & Christian Faith The Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation

"Halacha-Yomi is a translation of the "Kitzur Shulchan Aruch", Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfried's classic compendium of Jewish Law from the late 19th Century CE. Our translation is primarily derived from that of Rabbi Eliyahu Touger, recently published by Moznaim Publishing Corporation"


http://sti1.uni-duisburg.de/publikationen/kalonymos/index.xml  -  http://www.steinheim-institut.de/wiki/index.php/Publikationen:Kalonymos
Die Institutszeitschrift KALONYMOS   -   "Das Steinheim-Institut gibt seit 1998 vierteljährlich die Zeitschrift KALONYMOS heraus - sie enthält kleine "Beiträge zur deutsch-jüdischen Geschichte", Berichte über Forschungsarbeiten des Instituts und aktuelle Themen sowie Rezensionen und Hinweise auf wichtige Bücher. Der Name spielt auf die Familie der sogenannten Kalonymiden an, die im 9./10. Jahrhundert an den Rhein gelangte, ist also mit den ersten Anfängen jüdischen Lebens im deutschen Sprachraum verbunden.  [...]"

Yitzhak Zev  Kolakowski's Website http://www.geocities.com/itzik18/index.html
Un utile rassegna di risorse (links)    http://www.geocities.com/itzik18/Library.html    [ IX - 2004 ]

Sul sito http://chassidus.ru/library/index.htm  un'ampia raccolta di materiali in ebraico
(per comodità segnalo qui alcune delle pagine principali http://chassidus.ru/toraonline/index.phphttp://chassidus.ru/chabadlibrary.org/http://chassidus.ru/chabadlibrary.org/toc.htm - http://chassidus.ru/kabbala/?rootid=101  -  http://chassidus.ru/bavli/ ) e in traduzione russa.  (http://chassidus.ru/mirror.htm) [ IX - 2004 ]

JUDAICA  in deutsch befindet sich auf  der Hauptseite - http://ldn-knigi.narod.ru/Judaic-D.htm [ XI - 2004 ]

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