Elio Jucci : SETH - "Semitica et Theologica" Indice del Sito (pagine principali): HomeProgrammaRisorse Bibliche Qumran - 1 Qumran - 2 lingua e scrittura ebraica http://kammeo.blogspot.it/
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Bible and Interpretation
http://www.bibleinterp.com/ "Dedicated to delivering the latest news, features, editorials, commentary, archaeological interpretation and excavations relevant to the study of the Bible for the public and biblical scholars".
"This site, the Bible and Interpretation, is designed to appeal to a significant public and scholarly audience who are interested in the most current news and interpretations on the Bible.
It is our endeavor to bring the latest news and information in the field of biblical studies to a wide readership and to contact scholars for comment and analysis. As our site matures and grows, we will elicit articles from individuals representing the best scholarship available for the general public and student." news
Orientalisti Il gruppo degli Orientalisti compie dodici anni ... Auguri! [11-9-2012]
"Mystery graves found near Dead Sea" ("QUMRAN, West Bank, July 26 — Archaeologists digging close to the site where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found have discovered a mausoleum and a nearby coffin that may have held the bodies of important leaders from the early days of Christianity. While the researchers say the new find is highly intriguing, they may never know who is buried at the site" ... "The archaeologists also found a previously undetected cave, where they uncovered a mat and fabric woven from goat's hair, which may shed extra light on its inhabitants, who lived there around the 1st century A.D. ").
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