Elio Jucci : SETH    -    "Semitica et Theologica"

Indice del Sito  Home - Programma  -  QumranQumran - 2  -  Risorse Bibliche
    Links       Pagina dedicata alla Bibbia ebraica  e greca e alle sue traduzioni [Risorse bibliche in rete].

                   Ebraico  Hebrew  -  Greco  Greek   -  Inglese English  -  Italiano   - Tedesco - Francese   Lingue Varie


Alcuni utili articoli da    The Catholic Encyclopedia        (per quanto datata - offre ancora materiali di ottima qualità)
The BibleManuscripts of the Bible     Versions of the Bible     Editions of the Bible     Septuagint Version   Coptic Versions of the Bible        Inspiration of the Bible    Biblical Introduction      [ V - 2003 ]
--- (da altra fonte)   Bibbia  Ebrei    [ V - 2003 ]

LA SACRA BIBBIA  I testi biblici riproducono fedelmente la versione italiana della Bibbia curata dalla segreteria della Conferenza episcopale italiana. (Bibbia Cei) [ dead link ]

Bibbia     (Bibbia Cei)    In  Antologia (frammentaria) della Letteratura Italiana A cura di Riccardo Scateni [ Archive]


La Bibbia OnLine
    Nuova Riveduta; CEI/Gerusalemme; Nuova Diodati;  Luzzi/ Riveduta

    Conferenza Episcopale Italiana    La Nuova Diodati    Il Nuovo Testamento in Lingua Moderna

Descrizione: La Bibbia (versione Riveduta-Luzzi) e la Concordanza comprendente oltre 29100 voci e quasi 393000...         [ Archive]

ccgcs  bibbia_online

La Sacra Bibbia          

TRATTO DA: "La Bibbia di Gerusalemme" Centro Editoriale Dehoniano Bologna, giugno 1991 (decima edizione) il testo biblico concorda con la "editio princeps", 1971


Site Berea     [ Archve ]

Vulgata Latina, Sankta Biblio (Esperanto),  Luther,  King James,  Luis Second,  La Bibbia (C.E.I.),  Reina Valera, Bíblia Sagrada, American Standard Version, Bible in Basic English, La Santa Biblia, Douay-Rheims Version, World English Bible, Young's Literal Translation, Darby's English Translation, Webster's Bible
Testo ufficiale della Bibbia CEI    edizione 1974
Un sito per incontrare e "navigare" la Bibbia nella nuova edizione CEI 2008. Un indirizzo per visionare, scomporre, richiamare, studiare la "Parola" che sta a fondamento della fede e della vita della comunità cristiana, patrimonio culturale e spirituale dell’umanità intera. Oltre alla versione Cei, in questo spazio virtuale sarà possibile mettere a confronto le tante versioni del testo sacro già presenti nella rete.
CEI  2008    CEI 1974

http://www.jw.org/it/pubblicazioni/bibbia/  Traduzione Nuovo Mondo    (Testimoni di Geova)
    [si noti che alcune particolarità di questa traduzione esigono una certa cautela nell'uso - si possono facilmente trovare in web siti che ne denunciano i limiti e siti che ne difendono le scelte. Una breve presentazione: http://www.bible-researcher.com/new-world.html  ]


Nuovo Testamento

The Greek New Testament Unicode/UTF-8.    
Edited by Brooke Foss Westcott and Fenton John Anthony Hort    http://www.ccel.org/w/westcott/gnt/title.htm
Marilyn Phemister's Greek New Testament MP3 Files   
Wescott-Hort Greek New Testament, 1881, read by Marilyn Phemister
-    Barbara Aland and Beate Köster, The Nestle Edition (Utile presentazione dell'opera di Eberhard Nestle con le sue successive edizioni, dell'apporto di Kurt Aland e della sua collaborazione all'edizione del The Greek New Testament) [Archive]                   cfr.  [ Atchive ]  http://test.bibleresourcecenter.org/index/bibleresources.dsp   [ Atchive ]  http://test.bibleresourcecenter.org/index/
-    Barbara Aland, A Century of New Testament Textual Criticism (1898-1998), Translated from "100 Jahre neutestamentliche Textforschung (1898-1998)," in Bericht der Hermann Kunst-Stiftung zur Förderung der neutestamentlichen Textforschung für die Jahre 1995 bis 1998, Münster/Westfalen, 1998    [ Archive]

Internet Resources for Students of Scripture    http://www.bible-researcher.com/index.html     

http://www.concordant.info/   ---> http://www.scripture4all.org/  ISA ( Interlinear Scripture Analyzer ) is an interlinear [ >>> ]  Bible program which is designed to close the gap between translations and the original text. A transparent organized database structure is used to make sure that all (other) renderings of a Greek word are directly visible.


Antico Testamento


Old Testament in Greek According to the Septuagint, Vol. I: Genesis--IV Kings        Author: Swete, Henry Barclay (1835-1917)   
    The Old Testament in Greek According to the Septuagint, Vol II: I Chronicles--Tobit by H.B. Swete    

    The Old Testament in Greek According to the Septuagint, Vol. III: Hosea--4 Maccabees by H.B. Swete    

The Septuagint Version of the Old Testament with an English Translation by Sir Lancelot Brenton    

Septuaginta "The Apostolic Bible" - Interlinear: Greek English     
       http://septuagint-interlinear-greek-bible.com/text.htm  http://septuagint-interlinear-greek-bible.com/downbook.htm
    La versione gratuita non è "full AB-Strong coded files with bookmark hyperlinking" come quella a pagamento

 http://www.yorku.ca/inpar/Greek.html In Parentheses       
The Psalms: Uncial Script (hand of Konstantnos presbyteros, A.D. 995), ed. Ross G. Arthur (916K PDF)
The Psalms: Uncial Script (Sinaiticus), ed. Ross G. Arthur (584K PDF)

    A Grammar of Septuagint Greek by F.C. Conybeare  

    Title:   An Introduction to the Old Testament in Greek  Author:   Swete, Henry Barclay (1835-1917)  


   Anastesontai  http://www.anastesontai.com/        Didier Stadelmann
        Le texte hébreu avec voyelles de la Bible (nikudot נקודות).
        Le texte hébreu avec toutes les marques de cantillation = Le texte massorétique (teamim טעמים).
        Le début d'une analyse grammaticale de chaque mot.
        Le début d'une traduction mot à mot.

Navigating the Bible II     http://bible.ort.org/
Pentateuco: Translation, This is the Five Books of Moses along with commentaries.
Torah, The weekly reading with Hebrew, translation, transliteration and chanting.
Haftarot. Selections from Prophets that accompanies the weekly and holiday Torah readings.
Brachot, The blessings before and after reading the Torah.
Divrei Torah, A summary of each portion with kind permission from Ohr Somayach International.
Tim Bulkeley "This site began as my experimental test bed for the Amos commentary. That commentary which became known as Amos: Postmodern Bible is available here, in a changeable development form. A stable and therefore citable edition has now been peer-reviewed, and published as the first "volume" of a planned series Hypertext Bible Commentary (see here to buy on CD or visit on the web here)"
-   Amos: Postmodern Bible  -  Study Notes on Jonah (including an introduction to Hebrew narrative)  -  Ruth: study notes  -      Tim Bulkeley   http://bigbible.org/sansblogue/
"To experiment with this new style of Bible study tool Dr Tim Bulkeley has been working on a commentary on Amos"
The Hebrew Bible      http://www.fourmilab.ch/etexts/
"If your browser supports dynamic fonts and cascading style sheets, you can read this on-line Hebrew (Koren) Bible without installing any special fonts, applications, or plug-ins. A companion document describes the public domain Hebrew font used to produce this text".
Non vocalizzato, ma di facile lettura per la chiarezza dei caratteri.
Index of tanach text bhs     http://shamash.org/      http://shamash.org/tanach/text.shtml  -   http://shamash.org/tanach/rice.html

Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Masoretic Text of the Hebrew Bible) - Center for the Computer Analysis of Texts University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia
    Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia [Electronic resource] : (Michigan-Claremont text)  http://ota.ahds.ac.uk/index.html?http%3A//ota.ahds.ac.uk/texts/0525.html - dead link
       cfr.  -  http://biblos.com/bhs.htm  -  http://dvar-adonai.org/  - Shamash Archive - /gopher/ -  -

Hebrew Old Testament    http://www.ccel.org/a/anonymous/hebrewot/home.html

This version of the Hebrew Old Testament uses Unicode. These pages will look right only if you have a Unicode font installed.     Non vocalizzato    
Hebrew Interlinear Bible    'Paleo' Hebrew Page
( Hebrew Interlinear Bible (HIB), version 1.9.1, by Walter Kenaston.scaricabile da http://www.simtel.net/  dead link)   [ Released: July 04, 2003 Company: Walter Kenaston OS: Win 95/98/ME, Win 2000/NT ]
    Testo interlineare ebraico-inglese - numerazione e definizioni Strong - concordanza (il testo ebraico può essere visualizzato in caratteri "paleoebraici (fenici) ['Paleo' Hebrew letters]" o nei più consueti caratteri quadrati "ebraico-aramaico quadrato".
Di fatto al momento il testo unterlineare -inglese- fornito e solo quello di Genesi 1 - ma ciascuno può costruirsene uno ...  restano  tuttavia i numeri  strong interlineari con rinvio ai loro valori,  il testo inglese su colonna parallela e la concordanza

  http://www.wts.edu/resources/alangroves/grovesprojects.html  - Projects: The Westminster Leningrad Codex - Westminster Hebrew Morphology - Westminster Hebrew Syntax

Ebraico traslitterato

The Hebrew Tanakh (OT) Transliterated:

©FJMS 1999 (using the standard pronunciation system used by most scholarly publications) [Artists For Israel International]     Materiali disponibili
  [ jud]   Tanakh Index Transliteration with Vowels  [This is a unicode version of the Hebrew Bible]  http://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/tan/index.htm
    A transliteration of the vowel-less version is available here  http://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/tan/index.htm
Hebrew/English Transliterated TaNaKh (Traduzione interlineare  (THE NAZIR INSTITUTE OF THE HEBREW HOUSE OF ISRAEL)       [ Archive ]
Bet HaShem's Paleo-Hebrew Torah           Download 'Paleo-Hebrew' font
"Bet HaShem Midrash is pleased to announce the availability of an Ancient Hebrew Torah. The Masoretic text has been transliterated into Ketav Levonah, with traditional word divisions retained".

For web viewing, the best option is the Torah in .gif format. "Chapters are linked at the bottom of each page, with dedicated pages provided for each chapter. Each page also has links to the other books of Torah. Very convenient reference tool".

"A single-spaced version of the Paleo-Hebrew Torah for in-depth study is available in pdf format in five separate compressed files".   http://www.bethashem.org/torah_docs/torah.html

http://www.bethashem.org/torah_docs/Torah/LXX.Torah.pdf  -  http://www.bethashem.org/torah_docs/public/Fonts/   - Torat HaQavah: Bereshith 1:1ff. displayed in cubed blocks

ancient near eastern studieshttps://sites.google.com/site/ancientneareasternstudies/biblical-studies-1/electronic-textshttps://sites.google.com/site/onlinehebrewbible/electronictexts - https://sites.google.com/site/ancientneareasternstudies/  - 


Vulgate     http://www.fourmilab.ch/etexts/

"Saint Jerome's A.D. 405 Latin translation of the Bible. Includes anchor labels for every chapter and verse, permitting easy citation from other documents in the conventional form.
For example the parable of the Good Samaritan may be cited a

Varie lingue

Traduzioni in Inglese

CGTS - Concordant Greek Text Sublinear        http://www.scripture4all.org/    
ISA (Interlinear Scripture Analyzer) is an interlinear Bible program, which closes the gap between translations and the original Bible text    [interlineare]

        http://www.nccbuscc.org/nab/bible/index.htm    OLD  Full text online. 1986 New Testament, 1991 Psalms, rest is 1970 translation. With introductions and notes".        FAQ    "The original version of the New American Bible (NAB) was published in 1970. The New Testament was revised and published in 1986. The Book of Psalms (the Psalter) was revised in 1991. A revision of the Old Testament, excluding the Psalter, is currently underway and should be published in 2003.  Therefore, the most recent editions of the NAB include the 1970 Old Testament, 1991 Psalter, and 1986 New Testament, though some older editions are still in print.  Besides the various versions of the Scriptural text, many different publishers have produced editions of the NAB. Each publisher has added other material, such as photographs, maps, devotions and prayers, and reference matter, to the basic text" [ ........].  New American Bible United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

NEW - The New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE). Released on March 9, 2011, the New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE) is the culmination of nearly 20 years of work by a group of nearly 100 scholars and theologians, including bishops, revisers and editors. The NABRE includes a newly revised translation of the entire Old Testament (including the Book of Psalms) along with the 1986 edition of the New Testament.   http://www.usccb.org/bible/
REVISED NEW AMERICAN BIBLE  http://www.usccb.org/bible/books-of-the-bible/index.cfm


    "The New English Translation, also known as the NET Bible, is a completely new translation of the Bible, not a revision or an update of a previous English version. It was completed by more than twenty biblical scholars who worked directly from the best currently available Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts. These scholars teach biblical exegesis in seminaries and graduate schools. Further, the original translator for each book was chosen in every instance because of his or her work in that particular book often extending over several decades. Many of the translators have participated in other translation projects as well. They have been assisted by doctoral students and advised by style consultants and SIL field translators. Hence, the notes alone are the fruit of hundreds of thousands of hours of biblical and linguistic research".
"There are three basic kinds of notes employed in the NET Bible, textual critical notes” [tc], translator’s notes [tn], and study notes [sn]. In version 1.0 of the NET Bible New Testament the translator’s notes are generally more numerous and considerably more technical in nature than the study notes (although the latter will continue to be expanded and developed in future editions of the NET Bible)".  (Files Updated 10/07/2001)
Download the HTML NET Bible or HTML HELP version
       The Source New Testament Translated by Dr A. Nyland   http://www.hollywoodjesus.com/spiritual/source_new_testament.pdf
"Testimonials.  "Dr Ann Nyland's new translation of the New Testament is meticulous, scholarly, and impressively informed by the most recent philological, lexicographical, and archaeological research. It is also beautifully readable and lucid. But most importantly, it corrects many of the inaccuracies and opacities of previous translations to give English readers new insight into the living word." Dr William McDonald [http://www.une.edu.au/staff-profiles/humanities/wmcdonal]  School of Social Science University of New England  Australia"

http://www.tyndale.cam.ac.uk/biblon/biblon2000.html     new testament:  greco, latino e altre versioni



    « Bible de Jérusalem »  e « Traduction oecuménique de la Bible »  http://www.tradere.org/biblio/index.htm   archive. domuni.org/domuni_france/bibliotheque/cadre_biblio.html

http://www.bibliorama.com/            traduzioni di ostervald e segond

    "Malgré son titre sans prétention et son grand âge, la Bible Annotée, ou Bible de Neuchâtel [1879-1900],

reste une œuvre inégalée. Elle se compose d'une traduction française originale de l'Ancien Testament, et d'un commentaire accompagnant chaque verset ou presque".  en ligne  Formats CHM et PDF disponibles    http://epelorient.free.fr/        au format Bible OnLine        http://epelorient.free.fr/old_index.html
    La Settanta testo a fronte greco - francese (se manca la traduzione francese viene presentata quella inglese "La traduction française provient principalement de Pierre Giguet, l'anglaise de Lancelot Brenton, tous deux universitaires du XIX° siècle. Mais il y a d'autres auteurs ... ")        consultabile in linea (html) oppure scaricabile in formato pdf o chm  http://ba.21.free.fr/septuaginta/preface.html    [ VII - 2004 ]

     Nouveau Testament Grec-Français   http://ba.21.free.fr/tele_NTGF.html  


http://bibel.myvnc.com/    http://bibel.myvnc.com/index.html    Das Buch der Bücher für alle Computersysteme BIBEL - HEILIGE SCHRIFT
GRATIS  -  FREE DOWNLOAD     The book of books for all computers systems as PDF file witht INDEX

    The Study Bible developed and located around the world!  
    The World Wide Study Bible was conceived as a means of organizing all of the Bible-related resources on the World Wide Web according to scripture reference.       http://www.ccel.org/wwsb/

    The Psalms of David in Metre   http://www.ccel.org/a/anonymous/scotpsalter/htm/i.htm    https://archive.org/details/psalmsofdavidi1771chur    http://www.swrb.com/newslett/actualNLs/Psalter0.htm

king james version  
Simple Searches: Single word and phrase searches throughout the entire Bible
Proximity Searches: Find the co-occurrence of two or three words or phrases.
Boolean Searches: Find combinations of two or three words in a given verse
Browse the Bible: Select individual books
Citation Searches: Enter a Citation and retrieve the selected verses
About the Bible

Electronic Old-English Texts of Biblical Literature   

htmlbible.com   The Html Bible  John Hurt

Bible Foundation e-Text Library
In 1988 Bible Foundation began providing Bible e-text files on a BBS in Phoenix, AZ. The BBS became the home site for the e-texts of the Webster, Darby and Young's Bibles, when they were produced by Mark Fuller. These e-texts are now found on a number of sites on the internet and in a number of Bible software packages. We continue to house those and other e-texts by Mark and others and hope that these works will encourage people to convert more of the Public Domain Bible translations into e-texts.     [ V - 2002 ]

Biblia Internetowa    biblia.apologetyka.com     s: <a href="http://www.fourmilab.ch/etexts/www/Vulgate/Luke.html#10:27>".

King James Version of the Bible    http://www.fourmilab.ch/etexts/
King James Version of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments. Includes anchor labels for every chapter and verse, permitting easy citation from other documents in the conventional form. For example the parable of the Good Samaritan may be cited as:
<a href="http://www.fourmilab.ch/etexts/www/Bible/Luke.html#10:27>.

http://reslight.addr.com/biblehebrew.html  http://www.bible-researcher.com/schaff01.html


    Mailing List Bible-Translation@kastanet.org BibleTranslation discussion list Archive


Altre informazione e risorse
    http://members.tripod.com/EsotericHomepage/    This site exists to provide access to texts from, and articles concerning, a cross-section of faiths.    In no way are these implicitly or otherwise judgmental.. That is the prerogative of the reader

http://www.terraeantiqvae.com/lbanato29.htm    http://www.terraeantiqvae.com/librosor.htm      UN INTENTO DE  BIBLIOGRAFÍA PARA ANATOLIA
    http://www.terraeantiqvae.com/oriente1.htm     Terrae Antiqvae http://www.terraeantiqvae.com/default.htm        http://www.egiptomania.com/jeroglificos/amanuen.htm


Bible et Bibliophilie Exposition réalisée en Avril 1999 par la bibliothèque de l’Institut Catholique de Toulouse à l’occasion des célébrations des 120 ans des facultés de Théologie et de Lettres et du centenaire des facultés de Droit Canonique et de Philosophie.   [  2002 ]

LA TRADIZIONE DELLA BIBBIA EBRAICA NEL PRIMO MILLENNIOThe Hebrew Bible in the First Millennium , prof. Giuliano Tamani
  City and Book, Florence, 2001    City and Book, Florence, 2002

"Of the Incomparable Treasure of the Holy Scriptures"
An Exhibit of Historic Bible-related Materials from the Collection of the Andover-Harvard Theological Library  October 1998

Bible Citation Corpus on-line   [ XI - 2002 ]      DEAD LINK
1. HyperBibliography: Identify works used in BCC by author and title.    2. Citation Composer: Find verse by book and chapter.    3. Browse Tool: Single mode or Multi modes. Also KJV.
4. Bible Dictionary: Study the biblical concepts    5. Your Preferences: Set up your personal settings while in the BCC    6. About the BCC.

Interlineare  greco    -     ebraico  - strumenti

ISA ( Interlinear Scripture Analyzer ) is an interlinear Bible program which is designed to close the gap between translations and the original text. A transparent organized database structure is used to make sure that all (other) renderings of a Greek word are directly visible.          15 Jun. 2011 release -  Release Interlinear Scripture Analyzer 2 basic (version 2.1.5)  

Esiste anche la versione:  Online Interlinear  Interlinear of the Greek Scriptures in pdf format: Greek Text : WHNA: Westcott-Hort text from 1881, combined with the NA26/27 variants. (only NA26/27 variants visible) Sublinears : CGTS an ultra literal English translation sublinear (© Copyright 1999 Concordant Publishing Concern),   Lemma and GrammarTags. Translation : Authorised Version.       BHS   with new concordant OT sublinear  Hebrew Text : BHS (Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia)  Sublinear : English concordant OT sublinear

Le début d'une traduction mot à mot   anastesontai    (Genesi)    [ VII  2004 ]
Le début d'une analyse de chaque mot hébreu  anastesontai    (Genesi)    [ VII  2004 ]


 Home     Programma - Qumran - 1Qumran links - Risorse per lo studio della Bibbia in Rete

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Ultimo Aggiornamento:  The contents of this site are copyright (C) by Elio Jucci