The Homeric Dependency LexiconHoDeL is a new resource for the study of Homeric Greek verbs and their dependents, based on the Ancient Greek and Latin Dependency Treebank 2.0 – AGLDT 2.0.

HoDeL is a collection of all Homeric verbal forms enriched with their dependents (Sbj, Obj, OComp, and PNom) that are supposed to be part of verbal valency according to the guidelines of the analytical layer of AGLDT 2.0

HoDeL can be easily queried by historical linguists, computational linguists, philologists, classical scholars, students of Classics and Linguistics, high school students, and teachers of Ancient Greek. It has a very user-friendly interface and it provides transliteration of the Greek script and translations of the Greek passages.

Main Contributors

Project coordinator

Silvia Luraghi

I graduated in Classics at the University of Turin in 1982, and continued my study in the USA (Yale University) and Germany (Ruhr Universität Bochum). I earned my PhD from the University of Pavia in 1987, and later held temporary teaching appointments at the Universities of Bergamo and Milan IULM. I worked for two years as research associate at the Chicago Hittite Dictionary project (University of Chicago), before receiving tenure in 1992. My first tenured position was at the University of Rome 3, where I taught general and historical linguistics. Over the years, I have been visiting professor at the Universities of Madrid Complutense, Graz, UCLA, Vienna, Erfurt, Salzburg, and Moscow HSE. My research has brought me abroad on several occasions, most frequently to Germany, where I have been supported by an Alexander von Humboldt fellowship. I moved to Pavia in 1998, and since then I have been teaching several courses in general and historical linguistics, with a focus on Indo-European linguistics. I am currently the general editor of Benjamins' Journal of Historical Linguistics, which I contributed to founding in 2010. My present research projects include transitivity patterns in the ancient Indo-European languages, partitives cross-linguistically, and the creation of resources for Indo-European languages, with a focus on Greek, Hittite and Indo-Aryan.
Computer engineer

Paolo Ruffolo

NLP specialist, data manager and system administrator. Works on LEMLAT in the framework of the ERC project LiLa.
Assistan Professor

Chiara Zanchi

I graduated in Classics in 2011 at the University of Pavia, where I continued my studies with a MA program in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, earned in 2014. I then entered the PhD school in Linguistic Sciences of the University of Pavia and the University of Bergamo and completed it in 2018 with a thesis on multiple preverbs in ancient Indo-European languages. After the PhD, I have worked as a postdoc, under Silvia Luraghi’s supervision, at the University of Pavia in the framework of the project Transitivity and Argument structure in Flux. I am now Assistant Professor in Linguistics at the University of Pavia, where I teach General and Historical Linguistics ("Glottologia") to the students of the BA in Classics and the methodological course on linguistic data “Laboratorio di analisi di dati linguistici” to the students of the MA of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics of the University of Pavia. My study and research brought me abroad several times, specifically at the Universities of Salzburg, Jena, Ohio State, and Madrid Autónoma. My current research focuses on the morphosyntax and pragmatics of ancient Indo-European languages (I worked on Latin, Ancient Greek, Sanskrit, Old Church Slavic, Old Irish, and Gothic), and on media discourse.


Silvia Luraghi
Università degli Studi di Pavia, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
Corso Strada Nuova 65
I-27100 Pavia, PV, Italy

Chiara Zanchi
Università degli Studi di Pavia, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
Corso Strada Nuova 65
I-27100 Pavia, PV, Italy


HoDeL is one of the outcomes of Transitivity and Argument Structure in Flux, a project funded by the Italian Ministry for Education and Research in the framework of the 2015 PRIN call, grant no. 20159M7X5P, coordinated by Michela Cennamo and Silvia Luraghi.

Chiara Zanchi and Paolo Ruffolo are the main responsible for its creation. In various ways and at different times, Giuseppe Celano, Eleonora Sausa, Edoardo M. Ponti, Giulia D’Agostino, and Marco Forlano also contributed to it, under Silvia Luraghi’s supervision.

HoDeL is modelled on the Index Thomisticus Valency Lexicon IT-VaLex, created at CIRCSE by a team supervised by Marco Passarotti. We are deeply thankful to Marco Passarotti for granting us the CIRCSE license.

Publications and talks


  • Zanchi, Chiara, Eleonora Sausa & Silvia Luraghi. 2018. HoDeL, a Dependency Lexicon for Homeric Greek: issues and perspectives. In: P. Cotticelli & F. Giusfredi (eds). Proceedings of Formal Representation and Digital Humanities. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 230–256.
  • Zanchi, Chiara & Silvia Luraghi. 2020. “Presenting HoDeL – A new resource for research on homeric greek verbs” . Paper accepted for the proceedings of  Dialogue 2020 – 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies (to be held on-line), Moscow, Russia, 15-20 June 2020.
  • Zanchi, Chiara. 2021. The Homeric Dependency Lexicon: what it is and how to use it. Journal of Greek Linguistics, 21(2), 263-297.
  • Zanchi, Chiara & Silvia Luraghi. 2021. HoDeL: una nuova risorsa per lo studio dei verbi nel greco omerico. Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata, 5(2), 146-166.
  • Zanchi, Chiara. 2021. HoDeL: a Dependency Lexicon for Homeric Greek. In Erica Biagetti, Chiara Zanchi & Silvia Luraghi (eds.), Building new resources for historical linguistics (pp. 157-182). Pavia Uniiversity Press.
  • Zanchi, Chiara, Silvia Luraghi & Erica Biagetti. 2021. Linking the Ancient Greek WordNet to the Homeric Dependency Lexicon. In Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Technologies. Papers from the Annual International Conference “Dialogue”(2021) No. 20, 729-737.

Talks and posters

  • Zanchi, Chiara. La creazione di HoDeL, un lessico delle dipendenze per il greco antico: problemi e prospettive. Paper presented at the workshop Nozioni di Linguistica Computazionale [‘Notions of computational linguistics’], Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, 5-6 maggio 2016.
  • Zanchi, Chiara, Eleonora Sausa & Silvia Luraghi. A digital resource for Greek Linguistics: the Homeric Dependency Lexicon (HoDeL). Paper presented at the international workshop Formal Representation and Digital Humanities: text, language and tools. Università degli Studi di Verona, 28-29 June 2016.
  • Zanchi, Chiara. “Introducing HoDeL: A new resource for the study of Homeric verbs”. Paper presented at The 9th Midwest workshop on Greek language and linguistics: a virtual affair, The Ohio State University & The University of Chicago (held on-line), 6 June 2020.
  • Zanchi, Chiara & Silvia Luraghi. “Presenting HoDeL – A new resource for research on homeric greek verbs” . Paper accepted at  Dialogue 2020 – 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies (to be held on-line), Moscow, Russia, 15-20 June 2020.