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Gate: The End?
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Wendy Gale Robinson, Department of Religion Duke University School
of Journalism and Mass Communication University of North Carolina
at Chapel
Hill, JCMC 3 (3) December 1997
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Section 3 - Cyber-Archaeology Survival of the Fittest Online: A Longitudinal Study of Health-Related Web Sites , Sally J. McMillan , University of Tennessee, USA Uses and Gratifications of the Web among Students, Samuel Ebersole, Mass Communications and Center for New Media, University of Southern Colorado []
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Andreas Grünschloß
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»When we enter into my Father's spacecraft« Cargoistic hopes and millenarian cosmologies in new religious UFO movements, ( Nuovo indirizzo [old]) Marburg Journal of Religion, Volume 3, No.2 (December 1998)
del sito di Heaven's Gate
I links inattivi non soso stati aggiornato. Potete provare con archive.orgRkkody is the former Heaven's Gate member who survived his own attempt to "exit" on May 5th 1997: ( modificato - "AGGIORNATO" [Archive]) parziale parziale parziale mirror diverso fondale e altro?
"My Older Member (Do), felt very strongly that recycling was imminent. How long do we have? Only the Next Level knows for sure.
There are presently only a few individuals left on this planet who are faithful to the Next Level. While I am still here I am committed to sharing their information about the Next Level with any others who might want a chance of surviving the comming recycling.
Updated with new information on Aug. 10th 1997
Who is RKKODY?
Rkkody, pronounced Rick-o'-de, is the name given to me by my Older members "Ti and DO" when I was adopted by the Next level. The name of the vehicle I presently occupy is "Chuck Humphrey." While I prefer to be called Rkk (Rick), I continue to use the name Chuck when interacting and relating to this world.On May 5th, 1997, Wayne Cooke (Jstody - pronounced Just-o'-de) and I entered a motel room in Encinitas Ca, and proceeded in an attempt to "exit" our human vehicles (what humans term- commit suicide).
Wayne (Jstody), was successful in that he did leave his "dead" vehicle in that motel room. I was no so fortunate as my vehicle was still "barely" alive when we were found by the sheriff's department.
At first I could not figure out what happened. Why did I not go with Wayne and the others? What happened to me in that motel room during that 20 hours. A thousand questions went through my mind as I awakened from the coma.
Only recently I have started to awaken to become more aware of what really happened in my "failed attempt to exit.. I now know that I did leave this vehicle for a while. I am sure that I (my soul), met with my Older member before returning to re-inhabit this vehicle.
When I attempted to leave, I knew beyond a showdow of a doubt that I and Wayne had permission to exit when we did. I know that I still have permission to leave, and that while I was "out" of this body I was given a choice to come back to this vehicle, or stay in the keeping of the Next Level. As much as I don't care to be here, I still chose to return to this vehicle for reasons I am still awakening to.
I was in a coma in the hospital and awoke some two days after that event. I was not at all pleased when I realized I was still here.
I am aware that I do have a lot of overcoming left to do before I will be acceptable as a member of the Next Level. One of the things I can do while still on this planet is continue that overcoming process and work to gain more control over this vehicle. Secondly, there is an abundance of information that was left behind by Do and the class, and if the Next Level can use me to help make that information available to those who might be inclined to explore it, then I will do my best to insure it remains in tact and widely available.
It is with this end in mind that I have decided to use this web site to help make more information available. There are hundreds of audio cassette tapes that the class made over the 22 years of their being here. These tapes were the core teachings of Ti and Do and contain volumes of information about the Next Level that no human has ever before been exposed to. I want to make these tapes available to anyone who sincerely wants to hear them by using this web site and a newsletter format to distribute these tapes.
See learn how you might have access to these Audio Tapes click here.
I also plan to publish a book titled Return from Heaven's Gate which I hope to make available within a few months.
What is Right to Know?
Do called me one day in December 1996 and asked if I would like to help them by opening up a mail box under the name of Right to Know. I eagerly complied and set up a mail stop with that name.
The group used that name when arranging with vendors and other people who needed an address. Before the group made their exit I had asked them about formalizing the name with a business entity and they agreed. I then created a business name of Right to Know at the address shown on this site.
Anyone who wants to get their materials can send their requests and make their checks payable to Right to Know".
"Heaven's Gate is a destructive, doomsday cult centered in California. 21 women and 18 men voluntarily committed suicide in three groups on three successive days starting on 1997-MAR-23. Most were in their 40's; the rest covered an age range of 26 to 72. 1 Two months later, two additional members, Charles Humphrey and Wayne Cooke attempted suicide in a hotel room a few miles from the Rancho Santa Fe mansion; Cooke succeeded. Humphrey tried again in the Arizona desert during 1998-FEB and was successful".
" Overview:
We define Doomsday/Destructive/Apocalyptic cults to be religiously based, very high
intensity, controlling groups that have caused or are liable to cause loss of life among
their membership or the general public.
It is important to realize that out of the tens of thousands of new religious
groups worldwide, only a very few meet these criteria".
(Willkommen bei, der
Info-Site zu Kirchen - Sekten- Religionen)
om Heaven's Gate og masseselvmordene i California
(Dette er serveren til Skepsis i Norge. Her vil du finne informasjon fra en kritisk synsvinkel på det som påstås å være overnaturlig. Vitenskap er en stadig kreativitet, observasjon, kritikk og selvkritikk. Enkelte glemmer helt den viktige selvkritikken, og da er det skeptikerens oppgave å kritisere).
and Pop Culture project: Heaven's Gate
Spoof sites: - Hells Gate and highersource /
Religion on the Web: - Cults Heaven's Gate : the history - Transcendence and globalization via the internet? - References"
of Souls at Rancho Santa Fe Willard Van De Bogart
18 - 4 - 2004 (ringrazio l'autore per la cortese
informazione) ]
Independent research on Heaven's Gate (Providentially, you have arrived at the web site of a Christian church) (Hell's Gate - 3/29/97)
have reassembled it here to satisfy the need for infomation
"Heavens Gate web Mirror Site - The Heavens Gate web site was shut down and I have reassembled it here to satisfy the need for infomation on this newsworthy site. I absolutely do not condone, approve of or even like these lunatics and neither I nor my company have anything to do with them". by Photius Coutsoukis
Thought ContagionTheory and the Heaven's Gate Tragedy. By Aaron Lynch
"When a religious ideology says that only the believer's can go to heaven, or be saved from hell, it motivates adherents to spread the word to anyone they care about. This has been happening for thousands of years, adding to the rise of such major religions as Christianity. A belief that "the End is near" synergistically accelerates the spread of such heaven and hell beliefs, and is very widespread among fundamentalists in the United States and elsewhere".
Folklore of UFOlogy
This slides were written by Joe Johnston
The Spirit of Babylon at Heaven's Gate
Response To The Heaven's Gate Suicides By Sean Casteel
La tragedia Heaven's Gate y La Sociedad Watchtower por: Frank L. López
year later, Heaven's Gate suicide leaves only faint trail
Marshall Applewhite's cry for help An expert in schizophrenia says society should intervene to treat cult leaders before they push themselves and their followers over the edge.
"Similarities to Heaven's Gate, but with a rising death toll In a nearby San Diego mansion another sect awaited the resurrection of long-dead patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and King David -- while expecting at their own death to rendezvous with the Pleiades star cluster. Not far from the Heaven's Gate suicide scene stands the terra cotta-roofed mansion named Beth-Sarim (Hebrew for "House of Princes") built in 1929 by the Watchtower organization, better known as Jehovah's Witnesses".The Keepers of Heaven's Gate
The Millennial Madness The Religion Behind the Rancho Santa Fe Suicides by William Henry - Taken from the prologue of the forthcoming book The Keeper's of Heaven's Gate: The Millennial Madness
This is a question that many people have asked. The answer is one that few are willing to hear: Demons caused these people to kill themselves. Remarkable yet true! The author investigates the role demons played in the suicide at Rancho Santa Fe, and he explores how demons work today. In this book you'll learn:
* How reasonable people can hold unreasonable beliefs
* Why tragedies like this can happen
* How to be equipped with the truth to protect yourself
* Why exorcism is needed for today
* How to free people from deception
This book will not simply satisfy your curiosity about this cult, but it will help you avoid the same mistakes that these people made. It could save your life and the lives of the people you love.
Articles Archive - Heaven's
Gate / Higher Source - Extended Entry
DISCLAIMER: Please note that the presence or absence of a person, group or organisation on this list does not in itself imply anything negative about that person, group or organisation.
Nielsen's Mirror of "Heaven's Gate"
"Here is my copy of the Heaven's Gate website. Thirty-nine members of this group, which combined Christianity with a belief in extraterrestrials and UFOs, were waiting for a sign that they were to shed their bodies and join higher beings. Their sign came, they thought, with the arrival of the Hale-Bopp comet. They committed suicide on Wednesday, March 26th, 1997, in order to leave their bodies and join the extraterrestrial beings. As you read this, I'd recommend that you consider two things. First, this is an example of how religion may affect one's behavior, even to the extent that suicide seems a reasonable option--indeed, it may seem the most desirable of all options. Religious beliefs can exert a strong influence on people, leading us to pray or engage in other kinds of rituals, change our diets, contribute money and time to the group and even, sometimes, kill ourselves. Now if that doesn't make psychology interesting, I don't know what does!"
Academic Info (Your
Gateway to Quality Educational Resources) Religious
& Alternative Spirituality: Heaven's
Gate, MYSTERIES & PHENOMENA Paranormal experiences faced by many, and not to be ignored)
"An interesting aspect is that the 39 victims were apparently influenced by the controversy over Hale-Bopp and a strange companion that may or may not be accompanying it. At the Heaven's Gate web site (see screen shot at top), created by the Higher Source group, there is a reference to the Hale-Bopp comet as bringing “closure.” The members were "quite joyous" about "leaving this planet," according to the page. The controversy revolves around the likes of Dr. Courtney Brown's appearance on Art Bell's radio show last November, on which the possibility of a UFO or other huge object following comet Hale Bopp was discussed. Courtney claims that his "remote viewing" students saw a huge craft following the comet. (Remote viewing is a controversial psychic / meditation technique for vaguely seeing and sensing any time or place in the Universe) The Hale-Bopp controversy started with the anomalous photo, shown above, taken by amateur astronomer Chuck Shramek. The Saturn-like object to the right of the comet is still unexplained, but whether it is an alien UFO or not remains to be seen. Skeptics say it is a star, but there are many problems with that explanation.
Government UFO Cover-up to Blame?
How could 39 intelligent people be so misled by a confused cult leader who's wacky predictions seemed destined to never turn out? Could it have something to do with the the efficiency of the U.S. government in hiding the truth from us about what's REALLY going on "up there." If the government would stop lying to us and start leveling about what they know about UFO's and such (yes, we can "handle" it), cults like this would fade into virtual non-existence. Cults thrive in the vacuum created by "official denial" and cover-up. The recent mass sightings (and videotaping) of strange hovering UFO's in Arizona is a good case in point. The military/government explains it away as "flares" - a patently ridiculous explanation for anyone who sees the videos".
Legacy of the Heaven's Gate ( Millennium
& Apocalypse Watcher Website Conspiracy & Prophecy
"New Age UFO suicide Cult 1997
Confusion surrounding what really happend leads to conspiracy theories. 39 religious folks, whose interests included computers and the internet, UFOs and prophecy (sound like anyone you know?) were found dead in San Diego. They had met their death over what might have been days, while comet Hale Bopp was bright in the sky, Mars was at close approach, and a lunar eclipse topped off the signs in the heavens. It was too auspicious of a time for *THEM* to pass up a sacrifice -- 3 * 13 = 39 -- an auspicious number of acolytes lost their lives ... for what?"
Love and Resentment. Eric Gans, " Heaven's
Gate, Post Mortem" [ IV - 2002
Janua coeli World Religions & Spirituality Project : Reader - Venerable John Henry Cardinal Newman)
"Los siguientes son algunos de los textos de René Guénon publicados por SYMBOLOS. La totalidad de ellos no habían sido vertidos al castellano hasta que aparecieron aquí. Es más, algunos no han sido incluidos en los libros originales (en francés) de nuestro guía intelectual, sino que son colaboraciones en revistas de su tiempo, y otros más que iremos publicando constituyen copias de correspondencia manuscrita, aún inédita en cualquier lengua. A continuación el índice de estos estudios":
SYMBOLOS Revista internacional de Arte - Cultura - Gnosis
"R.E.A. tiene como finalidad difundir los contenidos intelectuales del Arte y Arquitectura tradicional.January, a Roman History
Publicamos todas aquellas obras, proyectos o escritos, antiguos y contemporáneos que, ya bien en su discurso intelectual o en su realización concreta, intenten formalizar dichos contenidos a través de la geometría, la numerología y de la simbólica de las formas, del espacio y del tiempo. Pero somos conscientes de que el Arte y la Arquitectura conforman sólo un aspecto, un punto de vista, una "puesta en obra" específica de la Filosofía Perenne. R.E.A. reconoce en la Tradición Hermética y Alquímica su fuente intelectual directa e ininterrumpida.
Así, nuestras raíces están bien definidas y a ellas nos debemos. Sólo la Verdad nos hace libres".
Religious Cults: an extensive bibliography (August 2002) [ VI - 2003 ]
Heaven's Gate ringrazia Scientology. Dopo lo smantellamento della CAN, commettono un suicidio collettivo.
Da un intervento apparso su alt.religion.scientology, 21 Dicembre 1997. A cura di Harry e Martini. [ VII - 2003 ]
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